Standing pretty old

Chapter 839 Comments on merits and demerits, awards and gains and losses

Chapter 839 Comments on merits and demerits, awards and gains and losses

The individual awards for the 11-12 season have been announced one after another since the first round of the playoffs.

Unsurprisingly, the best rookie was won by Kyrie Irving, with an average of 18.5+5.4+3.7 data per game. Coupled with his gorgeous personal skills, the ownership of ROY lost suspense early on.

The Cavaliers who lost James are completely Irving's one-man team. He has an infinitely exciting future.

The people of Cleveland should be grateful that even without James, the kid from Akron, they can watch Irving put the basketball in the hoop in all kinds of magical ways every game.

Regardless of winning or losing, from a viewing point of view, this may be more interesting than when James was in the Cavaliers.

Anyway, they were going for the No. [-] pick again, thinking about it this way, maybe they were a little excited.

In the position of the best sixth man, James Harden was also successfully selected as the SMOY of this season by virtue of his average data of 16.8+4.1+3.7 per game, coupled with the Thunder's record bonus.

The three thunderbolts have taken shape, and this youthful storm is stronger than the Blazers back then. After all, the three thunderbolts have no damn danger of injuries.

Of course, Harden is not without opponents, such as Louis Williams, who won the team's scoring champion as the sixth man in the 76ers.

Please note that there are two key points that can be drawn:
1. The defender named Williams is generally very good;
2. The 76ers are indeed a wonderful flower.

To be honest, if Er Niu was chosen, he would definitely give Lu Wei the position of SMOY. The best sixth man is there every year. How many best sixth men have you seen with the highest score in the team?

The most improved player belongs to the Magic's Ryan Anderson, another player who broke out in a contract year. His scoring average has improved from 10.6 points last season to 16.1 points this season.

Anderson's outbreak was mainly due to Lewis being traded, and the Magic's inherent system did give enough opportunities for the projection-type 4th position.

The announcement of the MIP also gave a lesson to all the insiders of the league. Did you see that the soft white guy can win the Most Improved Player? Don't you hurry up and practice three-pointers?

Big men who can space the floor are becoming more and more important, even if a guy like Anderson doesn't perform well on the defensive end. (Kevin*Love: I heard someone say I'm handsome?)
Next, it is naturally the best coach award that is highly anticipated but full of suspense.

If it was in previous years, the announcement of COY would never have received such attention, because the head coach is a person who stays off the court after all, but this season is obviously different.

That's right, because of the addition of Kraft Nguyen and the Los Angeles Clippers' record of 56 wins and 10 losses in the regular season, everyone is wondering who is the winner of the best coach?
Many experts said that Tom Thibodeau is actually the coach in charge of the Clippers. This award should be won by the first assistant coach of the Clippers.

Sorry, according to the regulations, Thibodeau is not eligible to run at all.

Some people also say that Kraft Nguyen's job is a player, and he should not have participated in the election of the best coach. According to his record, this award should belong to Popovich of the Spurs.

Of course, Niu Mi also said that the COY should be awarded to Kraft Nguyen, he is the real core of the team.

And at some critical moments, Kraft Nguyen himself is responsible for arranging the final attack on the bench, and he can take Thibodeau's command at any time.

Ruan Erniu was naturally asked about this topic in an interview. Manniu said with a smile: "This is not something I can decide on my own, but I am also looking forward to this award. As the team's head coach, I am eager to win the award." agree."

The top management of the league has encountered another problem. In recent seasons, there have been several situations where the best coach and the most valuable player were awarded to the same team at the same time. It will affect the enthusiasm of other players, which will undoubtedly make the league difficult.

Stern negotiated several times with the league's high-level officials, and finally made a decision, and then announced:
The best coach of the 11-12 season belongs to Kraft Nguyen of the Los Angeles Clippers!
Ruan Erniu immediately expressed his excitement through Twitter and Weibo. As the first active player in NBA history to win the best coach, he is unique.

Celestials seem to be synonymous with being unique after entering the alliance.

People used to only place their hopes on him to break through various incredible statistics, but now it seems that the capable can do anything, even the title of the best coach has been won by him.

Of course, the opposition is never in the minority.

For example, the well-known bully-Jaylen Rose was dissatisfied with the two bulls winning COY. He said: "The league should revise the rules. People who watch the game know who is controlling the team off the court. I think Xibo Du deserves a COY!"

However, there are also such free and unfettered factions who have expressed their views.

For example, Popovich of the Spurs: "Hey! I don't care much about this award, but someone called me and told me to give up the position of head coach immediately, because next season he will also take a COY for fun.

Yes, I'm talking about Tim. I decided to let him calm down in NBDL next season, or let him rest for half a season to sober up. "

Hehe, I remembered a famous saying from a certain C: All the news about the Spurs should be placed in the entertainment section!

Just when everyone was deciding in the league, the top executives of the league gave their own response. They awarded D-POY to New York Knicks center Tyson Chandler.

From the data point of view, Chandler's various defensive indicators cannot be compared with Erniu, but given that Erniu and Sparks have already won D-POY, and Erniu has an unprecedented three-consecutive D-POY. Give the award that represents the highest defensive honor to someone else.

The more you want to divide the cake, the more dissatisfied you will be. NBA official website is full of fancy complaints from fans:

"Tell you how to deprive a three-peat D-POY and get the honor of the best defensive player again: give him a COY!"

"For the first time, I know that the interior with an average of 9.9 rebounds per game is better than the interior defense with an average of 18.8 per game."

"So Tyson Chandler guarded Kraft Nguyen?..." Followed by a set of GIFs of two bullies beating Chandler.

"Fairness is an X, and the NBA is an X."

"Congratulations to Chandler for winning the best D-POY!"

"I didn't know the lines in "Forrest Gump" before, but now I understand that life is indeed a box of chocolates, because no matter whether it is sweet or bitter, someone will put it away for you in advance..."

"I feel sorry for Tyson, because he has no way to prove himself in the playoffs. They were eliminated by the Heat a long time ago..." followed by a hand emoji.


"Let me end it all, because I only care about whether Kraft can get this year's MVP!"

In fact, Bulls got it!
After the end of the second round, before the start of the conference finals, the winner of the most valuable player of the regular season of this season was finally announced. The Bulls again missed the unanimous election of the MVP of the 11-12 season by one vote.

However, the flaws do not conceal the merits, this is the third time that the Celestials have won this award.

You know, LeBron James next door, the chosen one, hasn't been elected once.

Judging from the current situation, unless the two bulls suffer irreversible injuries, or the league once again launches the cake-sharing method, under the rule of the bulls, it may be very difficult for James to obtain this honor.

A super giant can live without a championship, but it really cannot live without an MVP!

If you can't win the championship, you can also say that you are unlucky, your teammates are in the CBA, etc. If you can't win the MVP, it can only prove that you lack dominance.

James is undoubtedly encountering such a predicament, but there is no way, the opponent is too strong!
As we all know, the MVP award is linked to the player's ability and the team's record. James' leading peak began in the 08-09 season, and the situation he faced was as follows:

In the 08-09 season, Ruan Erniu led the team to 73 wins in the season.

In the 09-10 season, Ruan Erniu led the team to 75 wins in the season.

In the 10-11 season, the Chinese were finally injured, but James suffered public outrage and changed teams, and Derrick Rose jumped out to disrupt the situation again.

In the 11-12 season, Ruan Erniu came back as the king. In the middle of the season, he scored 10+ games in 50 consecutive games. He averaged 43.5 points per game throughout the season.

Hey, to be honest, from the perspective of a bystander, I feel that James was born at an untimely time.

It seems that Zhan Hei is not ready to let LeBron go, so he taunted on the forum: "The result of the battle against the bull is gratifying. Congratulations, Zhan, for being elected No. 2 in the MVP vote for four consecutive years."


When delivering his acceptance speech, Er Niu, who won the award for the third time, was already familiar with the road. He thanked all the people who should be thanked, and finally said emphatically: "It is true that I am very happy to win the MVP, but it only represents my In the past, the season is not over yet, and the Western Conference Finals are about to begin.

From the beginning of the season, I have repeatedly emphasized our goals. When I get together with CP3 and such a group of outstanding teammates, we have been looking forward to the arrival of the highest honor countless times.

Although this MVP belongs to me personally, it is also inseparable from the help of teammates. I want to say that we are going to chase the next trophy (O'Brien Cup) that belongs to every member of the Clippers! "

All the individual awards were announced. After that, all the best lineups were also announced.

Let's take a look at the best rookie lineup announced earlier:

First of all, let’s look at the best rookie lineup. Due to the fact that the data of some players is too close, all the best lineups in the 11-12 season have a grand scene of 7 players in the same frame:

G: Kyrie Irving, Ricky Rubio, Klay Thompson, Brandon Knight
F: Kenneth Faried, Kawhi Leonard, Iman Shumpert

There is no specific position division, and there is no special center option at all. At least in the selection of the best rookie, the league has already taken the lead.

The rookie second team resumed the normal five-man mechanism:

G: Isaiah Thomas, Marshan Brooks
F: Tristan Thompson, Derek Williams, Chandler Parsons

The Clippers are undoubtedly the big winners of the 11th draft, and two of them were selected.

Leonard appeared in the third position of the Clippers as the main force, and Isaiah Thomas was also Paul's first rotation player. Even in the playoffs, his playing time was further compressed.

After the best rookie, the best defensive first team and second team are announced:
For a while:
C Dwight Howard

PF Ruan Erniu

SF LeBron James

SG Tony Allen
PG Chris Paul
That's right, Kobe finally didn't appear in the defensive first team. With Er Niu coming to the 4th position, Sparks finally took the position, and Tony Allen got the evaluation he deserved.

Many experts are saying that this is the strongest defensive round in recent years.

Especially Tony Allen, who made Durant want to die in last year's playoffs. This year's playoffs helped the Grizzlies defend against Kobe. vividly.

His superior position is amazing, which is achieved by his own performance abruptly!
For the second team:

C Tyson Chandler

PF Kevin Garnett

SF Ruhr Deng

SG Kobe Bryant
PG Rajon Rondo
Whether Kobe is worthy of a defensive second team is not the point at all. The media's speculation that Sparks was elected to D-POY but could not be selected for the defensive first team was finally fulfilled, but the object of fulfillment became Chandler.

That's right, the dignified D-POY didn't even go in for a while. Both the netizens in the United States and the Tianchao laughed, and the alliance blatantly divided the cake. Can't live.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well give the D-POY to Er Niu, or give the D-POY to Howard for the second time in a row!

After the best defensive team, it is naturally the last team award of the season-the best team one, two and three teams:
For a while:
C Dwight Howard

F Ruan Erniu

F LeBron James

G Kevin Durant

G Chris Paul
It is difficult for anyone to raise an objection. Apart from forcing Durant to the backcourt position, this is indeed the strongest active configuration in the league.

For the second team:

C Andrew Bynum

F Kevin Love
F Blake Griffin

G Kobe Bryant
G Russell Westbrook

To some extent, it means forcibly helping Griffin to take the position. No matter how you look at it, with Love and Griffin, it is a bit superfluous.

However, the alliance is also promoting position ambiguity, such a row, there is a kind of rush that makes people speechless.

Three fronts:

C Tyson Chandler

F Dirk Nowitzki
F Carmelo Anthony

G Dwyane Wade
G Tony Parker
Well, as soon as the three battles came out, countless people stood up and called for grievances, such as the forgotten Big Three of the Celtics and Rondo, the Big Four under the Celtics lineup. catch.

Danny Granger of the Pacers and Al Jefferson of the Jazz also have general ideas. The latter has probably been forgotten for a long time, but many Chinese fans often think of him. In the matchup, Yao is often overwhelmed.

All the honors have been announced, and the regional finals are about to start.

On May 2012, 5, US time, the Los Angeles Clippers were at home and ushered in the challenge of OKC.

 Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal, indifferent and determined reward!
  I only wish all single friends to continue being single tonight, you know!

(End of this chapter)

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