God please lie down

Chapter 1196 He is excellent and everyone knows it

Chapter 1196 He is excellent and everyone knows it

She just wanted to let everyone know, does it matter?

In the past, I didn't meet him, and I didn't have any contact with Xi Feng for a long time.

She had almost forgotten who Gu Huai was now, so she naturally wanted to think about something meaningful.

To her, this was nothing at all.

She didn't think about it before, but it doesn't mean that she will still live so heartlessly in the future. Some things are in the past, so they don't mention it.

Who has never been young and frivolous and ignored everything, and now she has already seen it through.

It is impossible to repeat the past. She might as well face her own life well, which can be regarded as an explanation to herself.

Otherwise, the following days will not be easy.

After thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly understood a lot of truths, and it was precisely because of this that she no longer had those petty tempers.

But Xi Feng is really a person who can make you lose any temper in an instant.

What he wants to do is really stubborn.

For example, in terms of eating, he really hasn't given up at all.

He just kept eating, and Xi Nuan felt that he wanted to throw this person out.

Hands are not good, she wants a lady.

She comforted herself like this, but after thinking about it, Xi Feng might really not like such occasions.

If you don't let him eat, it seems to be a bit embarrassing for him.

It's already extremely difficult to come with me, and if you don't let him eat, isn't that the same as killing him?
Xi Nuan thought for a while, she should also be kinder.

It should be treated equally, so she didn't care about what Xi Feng did.

Forget it, since he thinks so, let him do it, it doesn't matter much anyway.

It won't affect the people in front, nor will it affect the people behind, but they will feel somewhat helpless.

Xi Nuan was quite excited at the thought of sitting here for a long time, even if she was to accompany Xiao Muchen in this way, she was willing.

It doesn't matter whether Xi Feng is willing or not, it doesn't matter much to her.

Anyway, they are going to meet sooner or later, so it can be regarded as a taste of Xi Feng's sincerity, and Xi Nuan also points out that Xi Feng can help to say more good things by then.

Although it may not be useful to say it, it is definitely not enough not to say it.

She can think of her parents' thoughts even with her eyes closed.

On the contrary, someone like Xi Feng who is not afraid of anything, who can rely on his own mouth at home to let him live in style, Xi Nuan needs more.

Xi Feng doesn't need to say a lot, I feel that when he was young, he already lived his life recklessly and frivolously.

He doesn't care about the consequences at all, he can do whatever he wants, regardless of whether his family supports or opposes it, anyway, in his opinion, it's best if he doesn't do anything harmful.

As for what you did, let's talk about it.

Anyway, isn't it done yet?
People just want to live and think less. If they think too much, there is no other way.

Sometimes I think about it, but I can't solve it, but it is the most uncomfortable.

What Xi Nuan hates the most is that feeling, fearing that he will not be able to face it, and fearing that when he thinks about it, he will always be alone.

This is still quite difficult for her to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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