God please lie down

Chapter 1197 This is cold, I don't want to miss it

Chapter 1197 This is cold, I don't want to miss it

When a person has been alone for a long time, when facing many things, there will be psychological shadows.

Parents don't go home all the year round, watching the fireworks and eating alone.

When he woke up, there was still a cold breath.

Even in the hot summer, Xi Nuan would still feel the chill.

It's not fair, it's really unfair to her.

She really never expected that her parents would choose a career.

That being the case, why did you give birth to yourself in the first place?

Xi Nuan kept distracted because the game was too boring.

The two sides fought for 15 minutes without any result.

At least for now, it seems that the lineups of both sides are fine, and they are both in a state where it is not impossible to play even if it is delayed until the later stage.

But I just feel that it's so boring to go on like this.

They completely lost their previous style of play, whether it was a test or a tactic.

But the fans watching may not necessarily know, what kind of big move is hiding, or what.

But Qiran just aimed at Xiao Muchen, these two people seemed to be equipped with surveillance cameras in the Canyon of Kings.

No, it's just that big of a screen.

Two people can often meet face to face, either you hit me with a residual blood, or I go up and dump you.

It's not in a hurry to take your head off, it's just to interfere with you for a while, so that your rhythm can't continue.

This move, I don't know if it was a tactic, or because they were teammates before.

Qiran should be quite familiar with Xiao Muchen, and with the videos from this period of time, he should have seen them.

Naturally, Xi Nuan has no way of knowing what their coach said, but from her point of view, those who don't know may think that there is some deep hatred between these two people.

But thinking about it, it's impossible. Xiao Muchen doesn't seem like the kind of person who would offend people easily.

Although his temper is a little cold and he is not easy to get close to, but he also feels that he is not as they said.

It's like you have done a lot, but when you are in front of him, you find that nothing is useless.

This feeling is not very good to say the least.

But it doesn't matter, Xi Nuan just believes in him. In her opinion, the person she likes is always so good, and she will always be her pride.

The kind that can be put in the head without thinking about anything.

Before this, she had never felt such an illusion on anyone.

She believes that this is what she wants.

There is no need to think about the future at all, anyway, I feel that there is still time.

The matter between the two of them, just wait until after the finals, pick a good time, and talk to your parents.

I won't keep hiding it like this forever, and I don't think it's something shameful.

Xi Nuan just felt that it had nothing to do with it.

It is impossible for her to really find a boy that her parents want, to be the one she will spend the rest of her life with.

Maybe they didn't like what they were looking for, but as long as she liked it, wouldn't it be fine?
It is she who lives, not her parents.

She believed in Xiao Muchen, don't ask why, it's just trust without reason.

That kind of feeling, other people can't feel it.

Maybe sometimes, even she doesn't understand it very well. When it happened or didn't happen, you never have to think a lot.

When it's over, don't miss anything.

(End of this chapter)

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