Chapter 1259 Think More

Cheng Yuan has always been indifferent, and he doesn't seem to have much contact with others. No matter how you look at it, he feels that this person is relatively cold. Only those who are familiar with him know that he is warm-hearted anyway.

Many times, although they never tell you, they will silently help you do many things.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he can win the sincerity of others.

Many things have been settled before they are clearly stated, and it is not easy for them to intervene.

But Xiao Muchen knew a lot, and he also understood that at that time, it was really because of some connections, so it was relatively smooth sailing.

No one knows how long Cheng Yuan has worked hard in the future, but looking at it now, it makes him feel that it is a bit too much to summarize everything Cheng Yuan has done for him with a single thank you.

When I didn't know how to describe it, it made my heart feel more peaceful.

There are no waves, and there will be no disturbances first.

All things are peaceful, whether you think about it or not, it's the same thing, don't worry about it at all.

Cheng Yuan thought about it. At that time, he didn't know much about everything. When he saw others talking about it to himself, he was still thinking about it, and only the word "simple" was left.

But now, knowing people's hearts well, but also feeling that people's hearts are unpredictable, there are very few people he can trust.

Because I always feel that after handing over my trust, what I get may not be honesty, and it will inevitably make people feel distressed.

Xiao Muchen didn't talk about these things with Cheng Yuan carefully, it was like there was no need to talk about these things between the two of them, even if it really had something to do with the past, or what should be done, it shouldn't be in this way.

They understand each other very well, and they also know what happened at this time. To put it bluntly, it is not of much use, and it also wastes a lot of time.

It's like doing nothing, and I can still think of many ways in my heart.

Xiao Muchen just likes this method. What others say doesn't have much influence on him.

As it was before, it is still the same now.

Xi Nuan ate a bit more, and then sat on the side talking to Xiao Muchen, with a smile on his face.

There is no way, when facing the person you like, you should have such confidence.

While talking, I don't know what I thought of, and I laughed even more happily.

Later, when they left, they also greeted Xiao Muchen's teammates, and they didn't find it too abrupt.

The latter expresses their understanding. At this time, they have been to the world of two people, and they are not such blind people. If it is true, they are all light bulbs, and it is Xiao Muchen's luck that they came here. It's a high-end and elegant place, otherwise, they would definitely be reluctant to part with it.

After eating such a meal, I'm afraid it will cost five figures.

It's really a bit expensive, but fortunately, Cheng Yuan has already arranged everything, so they don't need to worry about it.

So, when Cheng Yuan left, he had already prepared everything before speaking, otherwise, he would not be so sure.

Sometimes, this person is so mature that people feel that with him around, many things may be saved from consideration.

This person's arrangements are always seamless.

(End of this chapter)

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