Chapter 1260
When people can't help admiring, they still have to think that they really can't become enemies with him, otherwise, no one knows what kind of terrible things will happen.

Just thinking about it, it feels like it's over.

In the following time, no one knows whether it belongs to them or not.

Just thinking about it like this, things have almost happened. They have a very similar past, but it doesn't mean that Xiao Muchen knows all of Cheng Yuan's thoughts.

It's just guesswork, after all, I haven't thought about these things for a long time, and I don't know what will happen.

If they just look at it like this, they don't know whether the next time will be good or bad.

Generally speaking, only people who don't know anything will think so much. As for the road ahead, they still have to walk by themselves, there is no problem.

Xiao Muchen is not a person who knows how to dig into the horns of a dead end. For him, thinking about these things is almost a daily life.

As for whether you can understand it, that is another matter.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this is not a one-off.

When Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan walked outside, the weather was still a bit cold, Xiao Muchen took off his coat and put it on Xi Nuan, and then held her hand.

"A long time ago, I really wanted to walk on the road with you so quietly, don't care about anything, nothing has anything to do with us, just like this, take a walk."

It's just that at that time, the two of them didn't have much time at all, and all the time was used for training.

In the eyes of others, it seems nothing more than thinking a lot, but in fact there is very little that can be done.

They also don't know how many things happened.

I just felt that during that time, I couldn't see Xi Nuan.

I don't know what to say to each other later.

It's like what you think when you face other people's accusations when you don't know anything.

Although I have known it for a long time, but when I saw it with my own eyes, there is still something different.

They don't know why they think so, but when they get along with Xi Nuan, it makes people feel that most of the time, the heart can be calmed down.

The whole person is very relaxed, that is when playing games, it does not exist at all.

Because at the beginning, I didn't know it would be like this, that is, I just had to think about it.

But after knowing it, it is completely different.

After all, no one knows what will happen next.

It wouldn't be a bad thing if they thought so.

Later, it is enough to think clearly, why do we have to know the answer.

Even if you think about things that have nothing to do with you for a long time, it is useless.

If you think about it this way, it seems that there is no problem.

"I really want to, but at our age, how can we live like old age?"

Although Xi Nuan felt that such a life was good, it was a bit strange.

Xi Nuan thought so in his heart, so he asked the question out of his mouth.

Then he wondered if saying that would dispel Xiao Muchen's enthusiasm, and after he finished speaking, he heard Xiao Muchen laugh softly.

It seems that this person didn't take it seriously at all. At the beginning, he thought there was something, but now he doesn't have anything.

What to do with so many thoughts, I have said that time should be placed in an important place.

(End of this chapter)

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