Chapter 1275

It's like when you gave up a lot, you never know how many changes will happen in the next time.

Under normal circumstances, many things do not need to be thought about.

When you know, you will never understand what it means.

For Xiao Muchen, he is very clear about what he wants.

Once you have a goal, you also know what you should do.

In the rest of the time, there is a lot of past, and when it is not clear, it is not clear, and it is mixed with a lot of incomprehension.

As he himself said, most of the time, he doesn't understand anything.

When facing other people, it seems a little naive again.

Occasionally, when things with some emotions come to him, there is basically no room for them.

He himself didn't want to do this, but there was no way, even if there was something, it would not be his turn.

After thinking about it, I just feel that what you know, at the end, the rest is the same as the past.

Presumably it is such a relationship, so no one cares what the things inside are like.

Generally speaking, these should be concealed.

Xiao Muchen was an exception, he never felt that saying these things would have any impact on him.

In these matters, the attitude is still its own way. Anyway, even if things happen, it will still be the same in the end, and there will not be much change.

He is a professional player, he just needs to play his own game well.

As for the rest of the matter, I didn't think about it that much in my heart, and I didn't have such a long-term time to study it, so naturally I didn't care much.

What other people think is not important to him.

Naturally, he has a lot of time to do what he thinks is right.

Only then will you know, even if you really know something, in the end, you have to have time to study it.

In the past, I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it so much, and I didn't know so many people.

So he doesn't know what he wants, and before he meets the person he likes, all his imaginations are false.

It can only be put in the head, it cannot be taken out, and it is impossible to realize it.

But now, it's different, and I dare to face my feelings. Even if people know about it, it doesn't matter.

Speaking of which, I don't have much thought, if it's just so safe, it's pretty good.

The rest of the ordinary, and all the peace, if it is related to that person, there is nothing wrong with it. When I think of these in my heart, I feel that I am not completely exhausted in the past time.

But because I have a goal, I have motivation, so I don't feel so tired.

But once he stopped, he would think that most of the time, what he did was often not enough.

She didn't fulfill her responsibilities as a boyfriend, and in front of Xi Nuan, she would always be more accommodating to herself. Although I don't know how to think about this kind of relationship, it still exists.

"With her, I don't know what to say, how should I put it, I am absolutely serious about her, but I also know that although my attitude has always been very positive for such a long time, But the time I can spend with her is too little."

(End of this chapter)

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