God please lie down

Chapter 1276 Use your chapter to say

Chapter 1276 In Your Words

"When I was in a city, it was better, and I could meet her a few more times, but now, except for watching my game, I haven't even met her much. Sometimes I want to go to her, but I am afraid that she will I think about it a lot, and I think it is because of her relationship that it affects my training, you know, she has always been very good to me, so she always thinks a lot about me."

"Obviously it's not her fault, but she insists on taking it on me. Sometimes I don't know what to say. Now, after winning the championship, it seems to be better, but it doesn't seem to be much better. I I even don’t know. In the end, I told her whether she listened to the nearest one. There is no way. Sometimes, things are like this. What I said is not the most correct. She may also It’s very clear to think about it, but it shouldn’t be like it is now.”

Xiao Muchen analyzed everything very clearly, but many things were not so easy for me.

Nor can the situation be easily turned around with a few words from him.

Many times, saying it is the same as not saying it.

Many of the remaining things can only be proved by time, and he has always believed that in Xi Nuan's heart, he always has his own place, and he doesn't want to say so much, just because I've already thought about it. It turned out that in the past, there was no one in my heart, so I didn't think about it. Now, how can he not know what is going on.

It's clear and then what.

What to say, what should be said, I still don’t understand, I always think that I still have a lot of time, I always feel that I can do well, but I just haven’t found any better opportunities.

All along, he believed that he could work very hard, and he also believed that after such a long time, he would not achieve nothing, but after that, how should he think about the future, does he really know?
Or is it all just a fantasy.

If that was the case, what he did would be meaningless.

"But love is mutual. She can understand you because she can completely believe in you. I don't know how you think in your heart, but I think that since you two trust each other, Don't think so much, many things, just let it be, don't put any burden on yourself, otherwise, even if it is you, you will feel a lot of pressure, many times, let yourself go Thinking about something happy is the best way to adjust yourself.”

Jiu Hen didn't know how to persuade him, but felt that most of the time, it wasn't that he didn't do it.

But there was no way, as soon as he opened his mouth, he deviated from the direction, and he didn't know what kind of thing he remembered.

Generally speaking, although he thinks so, if he really wants to do it, it is still another situation.

It is said that there is no way to rely on others to comment on emotional matters. Now it seems that this is really the case.

Among the things, only they themselves are what is going on.

Even if Jiu Hen had seen it with his own eyes, he still couldn't tell clearly.

So I can't give any advice, and even after thinking about it for so long, I still feel that these are things they should go through on the road of love.

I said it myself, it's not good either.

(End of this chapter)

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