God please lie down

Chapter 1285 I Don't Know What I'm Thinking

Chapter 1285 I Don't Know What I'm Thinking

I thought again, it's not good to just go there empty-handed.

Their team members like to eat desserts, so they brought some over by themselves, and they made it by themselves, which seemed more formal.

Said it was a gift after winning the championship, but I haven't bought it yet. I plan to see if there is anything suitable when I go out today.

Although Xiao Muchen said that there is no need to spend such a lot of trouble, Xi Nuan just feels that it is better to be more serious.

What she said still counted, and she didn't want to be a person who broke her promise in the eyes of others.

In addition, there are many times, although I never understand it very well, but it is not that I do not understand everything.

After such a long time, many times, there is really not much to think about.

And, what you understand is nothing more than that.

No matter what, in the past, all I could think of were those simple things.

And the reasons are always very good. If this is the case, it is naturally impossible to talk to them.Not everyone will have such an idea, and more importantly, not everyone will understand the reasons for your doing so.

Even for people who are very close, sometimes the relationship needs to be maintained, and there is nothing that should be taken for granted, isn't it?
Even Xi Nuan and Xi Feng were the same, they never felt that who owed whom.

There's nothing wrong with them being brothers and sisters, but after not contacting her for a long time, when Xi Feng sees her and is still willing to help her, it is a favor. When there is a chance in the future, he will always have to pay back. In this matter On the subject, Xi Nuan thought clearly and analyzed clearly.

Not all the results, or even all the reasons, should be clarified.

But you have to believe that there are many things you don't know, and there are many things that you really don't know, and you never understand.

From this point of view, after all, I have said it before. In this way, if I think too much, it will not be of much use. On the contrary, it will give myself a lot of excuses.

Xi Nuan always feels that, most of the time, the reason why the conversation with parents is not so smooth is that they have not thought about it from the standpoint of each other.

But it's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing in another way, but the result is that her parents are already blown up before she opens her mouth.

Xi Nuan felt that she didn't really want to experience this feeling a second time.

Maybe more often, it is going farther and farther on the road of consideration.

No amount of time can make up for the regrets of childhood.

It also brought her a lot of spiritual debts, but I didn't think it was all right.

At least it's just a little uncomfortable in my heart. After all, it's not the case, and I don't feel that I am so fragile.

It's not that she's living a good life. In the eyes of others, she can eat and drink, and has no heart. This should be the impression of her.

Xi Nuan could clearly think of it, but it wasn't like this.

I also longed for that warmth, but before I waited, there was nothing. When they think about it, they really don't understand anything.

Moreover, many times, maybe even if you think about it, there is no problem.

They never knew what was going to happen at this time.

Anyway, I have to talk about it sooner or later, why bother to think so much.

Although I knew this would happen a long time ago, it's just that I didn't plan it this way from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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