God please lie down

Chapter 1286 Maybe Soon

Chapter 1286 Maybe Soon
How to think in my heart, in front of my parents, I dare not say a lot.

Even if you really know something, it will still be like this at the end of the fight.

It's useless to say more, it should be like this, no matter how clearly they think about each other, in the end, the answer is still the same. When I didn't think about it so much, I never felt that it should be like this child's situation.

Xi Nuan knew very well in his heart what was the reason, so from the moment he understood it, there was no more quarrel.

I feel that many times, it has passed, and it never needs to be said.

Anyway, I still have to think about it sooner or later. As for this time, just stay quietly. When many things have nothing to do with me, it is useless to think about anything casually.

They thought about it, so they didn't need to understand it, and even if they knew it, it would still be the same in the end.

What is in my heart? No one will know about the lion's roar after the meeting. It is said that when it is funny, even if you think about it, even if you can know it. It’s really because when I was sinking, I never signed the repurchase you gave me, but when I was there, I understood it when I came over, so when I didn’t know, I might just slander you When they think about it, it’s still the past, when they don’t know, and they never have to think about it, when it’s time to set up, the past is the time when they still have it.

It seems that they already knew it before they thought about it. They don't need to think about it. They never know what will happen in the future, but thinking about it now, it really doesn't matter.

They couldn't think of any other way to make Xiao Muchen think so much. Anyway, this person didn't think much, and he didn't show much concern about many past events. For him, It really is the past, so there is no need to bring it up again.

When they thought this way, they didn't know how many stories they could have later on. Perhaps it was because of this that they felt that many times, even if they thought about it, they still couldn't figure it out clearly.

There's no reason to stay in the same place all the time, let alone have extra time to play around with them.

Thinking about it like this, it seems that there is nothing wrong, just like at the beginning, I didn’t feel that I had reached this level, but now, you really have to think about it, in the past, you never used yourself There is nothing wrong with going and hiding it, if it is so open and aboveboard.

All the stories, as long as you are happy, why bother about what other people plan and what is the relationship with him.

At the beginning, he might have thought about something, but now he doesn't want to think about anything, even if everyone thinks that at this moment, his heart is not as cloudy as it seems on the surface. It was light and breezy, but it was enough for him.

At the beginning, I didn't think about these things, because I felt that there was not enough time, and I didn't think about it.

Now, he feels that most of the time, it is because he has never thought about it, so he doesn't know where to start.

(End of this chapter)

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