God please lie down

Chapter 1392 I Didn't Think So Much

Chapter 1392 I Didn't Think So Much
Obviously, I didn't think so in my heart at all, but later, I suddenly had such an idea.

He couldn't tell what he had studied at that time, but after thinking about it, he still felt that even if he was given a chance, it would be different.

But if you think about it, it's a different story.

When you can’t tell clearly, don’t think that this is your own story.

He looked at Xi Nuan, as if he could look at his past, whether it was the past or the present, there was no problem.

Because that's the story, it needs an ending.

But what they have to think about is life. There is no way to measure this kind of thing.

There is also no way to predict, no one will know what to consider next, because it has never appeared in your own world, so no matter how many things there are, they are still simple.

Everything seems to be getting better.

He was able to figure it out, even if he wanted to understand at that moment, he must want to think about whether it was because of his relationship, so there must be something different. At that time, he didn't know Why, suddenly there is such an understanding.

When I gave it to myself, I felt that after so much time, I just thought about it, and it should be like this.

On the way back, Xi Nuan felt more and more that the place where they looked at the sea was really far away.

Because the journey back was a bit long, I really answered that sentence.

If Xiao Muchen hadn't booked a seat in advance, I'm afraid there really wouldn't be any seats left.

When Xi Nuan thought that this person was very reliable in his work, he felt that these were really not things that he should consider.

She never worried about these things, what it should look like is what it looks like, and the rest, she doesn't have to think about it, and if she feels good, she can feel nothing at all.

After thinking about it, at that time, I didn't have much feeling about these things.

Now that he thought of this, he should know that their long journey is really meaningless, and it is okay to do other things.

But if it's about feelings, Xiao Muchen may have some difficulties.

He really didn't understand much, and in all fairness, it was almost impossible in a state of not thinking about anything.

So, when you have nothing to do, don't think about anything else. At this moment, you will always know that the story that belongs to you has already been told clearly at this moment.

When you think of this, you must understand it, you have to face it, there is nothing to think about.

He thought about these things, and he just felt it. Sometimes, what he thought about was good.

What he thought about should have been thought about by others a long time ago.

But here with Xiao Muchen, there is nothing to say.

He can think about it, or if he thinks about it, there is nothing else.

That's how it was. At the end, I was able to figure it out overnight and suddenly, so it turned out to be more than that.

In addition to being in a state of learning, the self at that time should also be in a state of not knowing everything very well.

They are all learning, and no one is much worse than anyone else.

If you look at it this way, it's nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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