Chapter 1393

Some arguments are unnecessary.

No matter what you thought at the beginning, at least now, there is no need to think that way, and there is no need to think twice that the understanding of parents is very important.

Sometimes the quarrel is not for what, but for others.

Their things didn't come to the end, and they didn't know what results their own thoughts would bring to them.

He just simply felt that if this was the case, he would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know how many things would be left later.

Now that you think about it, you have to understand that this matter is not like this.

Even so, it is still clear.

When I thought about it, I realized that I didn't care about myself at that time.

Sometimes Xiao Muchen would think about it, as if there was nothing left.

Because after thinking about it, I realized that even if there is a complete explanation for all the stories, it seems that there is no such thing in my parents.

To put it bluntly, it's just that his parents don't believe him.

I feel that no matter how much he does, it will be useless.

They are all doing nothing, in their eyes, isn't that the case?
Xi Nuan sometimes has such troubles, but since she has grown up, her parents don't have much time to accompany her, if you really say it, they really can't control her.

This reminds me of something, and nothing.

Since she dared to explain clearly to her family, she realized what would happen.

There is nothing to be afraid of. After Xi Nuan got used to it, she felt that when she guarded the cold room, what did she think?
After thinking for a long time, I realized that it turned out to be my own business, even if I didn't speak, I could still know it.

Speaking of which, this simple matter has nothing to do with it.

He had thought about it before, and he also felt that even if it had anything to do with this incident, in theory, there would be no problem.

But this time, instead of thinking about it, there is something.

When Xi Nuan thought of this, he still felt that even if something went wrong, it was nothing.

They can all react. The last time they stood with Xi Feng, they just wanted to talk about these things.

There is nothing good, because after thinking about it for a long time, I feel that it is better to explain some things in advance, so as not to cause trouble for myself, and even feel that the understanding of my parents is of little use to me.

She doesn't expect any affirmation from her parents' eyes, because she knows it's impossible.

All their time is spent doing their own things.

The nannies at home spend more time with their parents than their parents. What can that explain?

Her parents really don't pay much attention to her. Sometimes when I think about it, I feel that things don't need to be so complicated, but now, I don't need to worry about them.

What can there be? When he thinks about it, he will understand that behind the original story, he still feels his own way. He will think about it and understand that it is nothing.

It took him a while to think about his choice.

I found that there is no problem, so I don't know why my parents' requirements for me have become like that.

Obviously it is very simple and can be explained clearly, but it is necessary to drag it on for such a long time, and when the patience of each other is lost, they will quarrel and then break up unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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