Chapter 1394

I really want to ask them why.

Let her go her own way, okay?
It's just that now, there's no need to think about it anymore, it's not necessary, I always think about it too much, and then I don't know what I should say.

But ever since she was discovered that time, Xi Nuan began to feel that even if what she said could not affect her parents' decision, she could still do what she thought was right.

Regardless of her parents' opinions, she can do whatever she thinks.

There will always be a force behind him to support him, and that's okay.

After thinking about it, I also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but I just hoped that it was worthwhile for her to do so.

I never feel that my own path is very difficult.

It's not that she didn't think about it. At that time, she was false about many things in her heart.

But when you are uncertain, no one knows, and some understanding is not in your heart.

Xi Nuan is very afraid of this kind of thing. It's fine if his parents don't understand. If he is alone from the beginning to the end, it will be fake.

The so-called thinking a lot is wrong. He thought about it for a long time, and then suddenly realized that it was nothing.

When she considered all aspects, the feeling in her heart was not wrong.

On the parents' side, she tried to communicate, but got no results.

Even if she has done something, she feels that there are not many mistakes, and she will still understand it when she thinks about it.

It is said that parents in the world will not harm their children.

Xin'an only thought that they had never hurt her, but she also didn't want her to follow her own path.

Always willing to plan so much for her, I feel that it should be like this.

Now that I think about it, it was ridiculously wrong.

When Xi Nuan was thinking about something, his eyes were serious.

But at that time, he could only see Xiao Muchen alone.

Don't think about anything else.

"What do you think?"

The car that Xiao Muchen called originally wanted to see where he was going, but when he turned around, he found that Xi Nuan was in a daze again, wondering what he was thinking.

Xi Nuan would often be so dazed, Xiao Muchen wanted to ask her several times, but after thinking about it, she also had her own privacy, and originally she was not allowed to ask these questions.

But looking at her, it's really fun.

Not to mention anything else, just learning how to warm up is already very interesting.

"No, I just suddenly remembered something else, but I don't care about it now, so it's okay. I am a person with very good self-regulation ability. If I say it's okay, then it's really okay."

Xi Nuan never pretended, she understood her state very well.

Especially in front of Xiao Muchen, he didn't feel that he would be unhappy at all.

Her own world is here, and she will not set her eyes on others.

"That's good, I'm afraid you will suddenly be unhappy."

Xiao Muchen really didn't understand Xi Nuan's emotions very well, so he was very afraid that she would suddenly become unhappy, and acted very dull.

When I'm not talking, I always feel like something's going on.

But I couldn't find out why, so I felt very uncomfortable.

When I was at the base before, I didn't have time to think about these things, but now that I'm by my side, could it be possible to make her feel wronged?

That must not work, even if the wronged person herself, it cannot be her.

(End of this chapter)

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