Chapter 1400
Xiao Muchen asked Xi Nuan if he was afraid, afraid of many things that were about to happen.

It takes a lot to be with him.

In case fans find out one day, they may have to bear criticism or something.

Xiao Muchen said that he would do his best to protect this person, but he couldn't guarantee that everyone's words were the same.

It's not that Xiao Muchen is not afraid at all, it's just that he has to stand up.

If even he feels scared, how can he give Xi Nuan a sense of security.

Those stories that he should have thought about, suddenly became clear at this moment.

For this meal, not to mention anything else, just talking about the things he has considered, there are many more things than usual.

Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan walked around the mall for a long time, but Xi Nuan didn't buy anything, and dragged Xiao Muchen to the men's clothing store all the time.

Xiao Muchen looked helpless, but he didn't want to dispel Xi Nuan's interest.

It's just that she really didn't realize that she wasn't buying things for herself.

Even the shopping guide in the men's clothing store's eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Muchen.

This man's face value, as well as his figure, are really suitable.

No matter what I wear on my body, I feel very good, and I am also very handsome.

Then Xi Nuan couldn't hold back, and went shopping for an hour, carrying a bunch of shopping bags in his hand, all of which were bought for Xiao Muchen.

And the most frightening thing was that Xiao Muchen, a maniac of hand speed, didn't snatch Xi Nuan when paying the bill.

This is an embarrassing thing. It is said that as a boyfriend, he should pay the bill.

But obviously Xi Nuan didn't give him this chance, she was really organized in her work.

Especially when it comes to matters related to herself, she can think of nothing.

With all his heart, he just wanted to solve all his basic necessities of life clearly.

This feeling is really, I can't explain it clearly, and I don't understand it.

Xiao Muchen was indeed very useful, Xiao Muchen hadn't felt that kind of feeling for a long time, when others were doing something, the first person he thought of was himself.

No, before Xi Nuan, there was another Cheng Yuan.

But Cheng Yuan is too busy, and he has a lot of business to deal with on weekdays.

Even if two people chat, there is nothing to talk about.

He doesn't understand Cheng Yuan's circle, and Cheng Yuan doesn't understand his circle very well either.

So the distance between the two is a little far away no matter how you look at it.

It’s not that everything is good, or when I think about it, I still feel the same, even if there is no problem with my understanding, but in fact, it is still a lot worse.

When Xiao Muchen watched Xi Nuan wandering around in the shopping mall, all for himself, suddenly he didn't know what he should say to stop her.

What kind of feeling does it have to have a person who is willing to do a lot of things for himself? Maybe others don't know, but he understands it very well.

The best thing for you will always be the people you think are closest to you.

In the past, it wasn't that he didn't know everything, but now, Xiao Muchen let go of the thoughts in his heart.

He shouldn't pretend that he doesn't know anything, and he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it.

After all, this matter is quite simple, but before that, he hadn't considered it all the time, so naturally he didn't take it to heart, but it's different from the past, now he has attachment in his heart, and he feels that it should Go take some time for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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