God please lie down

Chapter 1401 Do You Want Something Else?

Chapter 1401 Do You Want Something Else?
Xiao Muchen watched Xi Nuan's actions, and suddenly understood something.

Then he didn't say anything, just silently followed behind Xi Nuan, carrying a lot of things.

He acquiesced to Xi Nuan's behavior and condoned it.

This way is also very good.

With the breath of life, he could not think about anything before, like now, he thought about it casually, and felt that it seemed that he hadn't thought about it before, but now, it is much better.

He had prepared for a long time, but felt that it should not be his problem.

After thinking about it, it should be that Xi Nuan seldom has such time, to go out to play and go shopping.

Most of the time, she seems to be doing something else.

Xiao Muchen said that he didn't know much.

Staying at the base on weekdays, there is very little that can be done.

At that time, he also felt that he was ashamed, so he wanted to use the remaining time to make up for it.

But now, on the contrary, he knows something, what Xi Nuan wants is very simple.

As long as simple companionship is enough, nothing else is important.

They used to think about a lot of things, but they never knew how many things would happen after that time. At least at this moment, they still have a lot of things in their hearts.

Xiao Muchen always thought that this might not be their best appearance.

But it is indeed the attitude he wants to show. Facing Xi Nuan, he doesn't have to think about anything, and he doesn't want to understand.

I once thought that showing the best side of myself to others on the surface, no matter how they are, it is the simplest thing in my heart.

People who feel good will not realize so much.

Xiao Muchen gave all the time in his heart to others, and at this moment, he began to believe that with Xi Nuan by his side, he really didn't have to think about anything.

There is no reason to have to realize something, just follow your own way.

In the remaining time, even if it is considered, it may not necessarily be able to do well.

He would think so, naturally because he had thought too much.

In the past, maybe he didn't consider these a long time ago, because he never felt that he would have a relationship, and he was a little timid to change.

Good or bad, he can become very good. The self at that time also had a lot of ignorance about these things. He thought about it for a long time, and finally felt that it turned out that it was all quietly and suddenly. touch.

That person, and himself, has never been very far away.

He is here, and Xi Nuan is also here, which is very good.

He didn't want others to misunderstand these things, just as he expected, after getting closer, he really didn't have to care about them.

He is still like that, full of attachments to everything.

Xiao Muchen had thought about these things, whether it was good or bad, he was able to bear it all by himself.

Without thinking so clearly, he established a relationship with her.

She thought about it for a long time, and then felt that she didn't have to be wishful to be right.

It may not be good to take such a long time to determine these things.

But it's not like nothing.

Both of them are the best looking, young and unscrupulous people, naturally they don't care about those.

"My clothes are actually enough to wear. I am in the base on weekdays. It's either team uniform or home clothes. I don't have much chance to wear private clothes."

"You bought me so many, I don't know when I should be able to wear them."

(End of this chapter)

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