God please lie down

Chapter 1463 Have you thought it through?

Chapter 1463 Have you thought it through?
On this matter, he did not talk to anyone else.

His inner thoughts have always been his own.

Speaking of it, it has been a long time in the past. He has such an idea, but he just feels that it is not his problem.

But after thinking about it, they had nothing to think about at that time.

Isn't it the best look now?
Even if it is made clear in front of them, there is not much to really do.

Usually at this time, even if he felt sad in his heart, as long as he saw Xi Nuan, he would feel the worry in her eyes.

Xiao Muchen immediately felt, it's nothing, these are all good, he is very familiar with these people.

So even if it is really in front of him and he is asked to think about something, what he can do is not very clear.

There will always be so many people, wishing they knew something.

Even at that time, he hadn't experienced any feelings.

But since it has been done, it shouldn't be able to think about it until this time.

Moreover, there are some reasons, when they are not understood, there is really no reason.

He had hoped that nothing would change, but it turned out that this was impossible.

So it’s better to be yourself, life is all about challenges.

It didn't take long for Xiao Muchen to prove the fact that he could do it.

He thought he could think about a lot, but in fact, he didn't.

Xiao Muchen felt that even if he put such a past event in his heart, he could still think about it a lot.

But in the end, there was no way to think about it.

In terms of understanding, in the end, only by letting go of the obsession in my heart can I speak clearly.

"I know, don't think about these unhappy things. The dessert is ready. It is said that eating sweets will make you feel better. You can try it."

Xi Nuan brought the prepared dessert to Xiao Muchen, and watched him eat a few pieces with smiles in his eyes.

She just likes Xiao Muchen's appearance very much, she doesn't need any reason to do anything.

The way two people get along is getting simpler and simpler.

Say what you want, don't pay attention to other people's eyes at all, even if you think about it at the right time, you don't have too many thoughts.

Normally, even if I realize that this is my life, I don't feel much emotion.

He had spent a long time recalling this period of time, and felt that he remembered everything he had done.

But in the end, the conclusion reached is just like this, there is no need to know.

Anyway, there are still many traces in life, they just need to watch slowly.

If you really want to think about something, it's not in this situation.

After all, I still wanted Xiao Muchen to be happy, so when Xi Nuan spoke, he was a little cautious.

If Xiao Muchen were to say it, it would be unnecessary.

He believed that no matter what Xi Nuan said, he would not be angry.

Because the feeling is there, this is not going to change in any way.

So, some people are destined to appear in life, don't think about it so much, and don't feel that you have any burden, anyway, when things happen, they are still here.

For the rest, Xiao Muchen felt that even if he had thought about it, he might not have thought it clearly.

So, it's not like there's no difference at all.

(End of this chapter)

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