God please lie down

Chapter 1512 Empty talk

Chapter 1512 Empty talk
Xiao Muchen really had no choice but to think about it, or, during this period of time, he thought a lot, but he didn't know what he was going to do.

Simply, these thoughts are just empty talk.

When he was not sure, he dared to speak out.

What's the matter, he once asked himself like this.

Later, when I thought about it, I forgot it.

It may be that there is really nothing, he thinks very well, but in the end, there is really very little that can be done.

So, don't think about it, those really have nothing to do with yourself.

He doesn't need to think about it so much, he just does it according to his own will.

He still thought about it. In those years, he might not have seen many things.

But it's not like what it is now, there is no idea at all.

When he didn't speak, it seemed that it had nothing to do with other people's expressions.

Xiao Muchen didn't think very well, he was the kind of person who couldn't think about it.

He didn't even know how Xi Nuan thought of himself.

If he doesn't know, that's fine.

But the current situation seems to be that you will never know, in his heart, why you have persisted for such a long time.

He insisted on these things, but he didn't understand them.

Maybe many years have passed in the human world, but at this time, there is only myself.

He didn't understand, and didn't know, whether he had thought about it long ago.

He once thought that at this moment, he could see clearly that what he occasionally thought of was just a little bit.

There are not many, so there is no way to judge whether there is a lot to think about at the beginning.

Xiao Muchen was also because of this relationship, so basically, he wouldn't take it to heart.

It's not because Xiao Muchen has never thought about these things, but because he never felt that this has much to do with himself.

Walking alone in the outside world, although the Spring Festival is approaching and the weather is a bit cold, but my heart is warm, which seems to be nothing.

At least on his body, not even the blood is cold.

If that was the case, it seemed that Xiao Muchen had gone through so many years, and in the end, only he was left alone.

He didn't want to say it at first, but when he returned to the base, he seemed to remember that when he saw things, he would slowly find a different way.

It is different from now, and there are many changes.

Now, I don't want to be convinced that these things have never changed.

It was because of my relationship that I was able to chat with them for so long.

For those who understand, there is no need to talk about it.

What Xiao Muchen packed was just a backpack.

While carrying a backpack, I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things.

Wanting to make something different for Xi Nuan, he also searched the menu in the past two days.

He has never seen many things on the menu, and he doesn't know if there will be any difficulties when making them, but this should not be within Xiao Muchen's consideration.

After all, in terms of cooking, there is nothing that can hinder Xiao Muchen.

Xiao Muchen's talent is not only in games, but even in cooking, he is much better than others.

Why do you like to eat the food he cooks? It's not without reason.

Remember that when they eat for the first time, they will be attracted.

Then I thought, let me go, this person's craftsmanship is really great.

(End of this chapter)

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