God please lie down

Chapter 1513 Never Forget His Craft

Chapter 1513 Never Forget His Craft
After eating it once, you will never forget it. Now it seems that this is really the truth.

There is nothing to think about, more often, it is put here.

Because Xiao Muchen seldom cooks for others, he is really arrogant and self-willed, he can do whatever he wants, and if he doesn't want to do anything, no one can do anything about him.

That's why, every time Yu Sheng or Guicheng came over, no matter how much he wanted to eat the food he made, he never threatened him.

As a person, he will not be threatened by others.

Unless it is someone he particularly favors, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible.

Just ask the ghost city, you have been to Xiao Muchen's house so many times, and how many times he has cooked with his own hands.

I feel like I'm going to throw up after eating takeout.

The ghost city has a headache, there is no place for Xiao Muchen to make delicious food outside, but if he doesn't make it for himself, then who can do anything about it.

At first I thought I had thought it through clearly, but in the end, you will realize that none of this is useful.

Once it's something Xiao Muchen has decided on, that is, no matter how much you say, it doesn't make any sense to read it.

Here it is.

Occasionally, you can't see clearly, but if you can understand, you will have a different understanding.

Xiao Muchen has many shortcomings that others cannot understand.

For example, the cleanliness that came suddenly, I don’t want others to touch my things, I don’t want to go into the kitchen, and I feel uncomfortable when I smell the oily smoke.

But he is still such a person, who cooks well.

How can there be any reasoning for this, in front of Xiao Muchen, there is no reasoning at all, it seems that it should be like this.

He didn't say anything, and he did more than others.

He is always willing to do things that others don't want to touch. When it comes to him, there is no difference.

He would still do it, even if it would bring him some trouble, he didn't think it mattered.

That's what I thought, and I have to do better.

He had always planned this way, thought for a long time, and then told himself that maybe in the past, he had been away for too long and had forgotten some of the stories in it, but it wasn't absolute, or it wasn't that he couldn't think of it at all.

He thought for too long, and then decided to stand up, he didn't want to look at these, but he couldn't find any good solution.

This time the setting sun, what can be seen is also a scenery that others cannot see.

If they think about it, they will do it.

Don't mind so many things that have happened, it's his plan that someone will appear here at any time.

Not saying it doesn't mean nothing happened.

He thought about himself in those years, and when thinking about things, he added a bit of mystery.

When Xiao Muchen was in the supermarket, he picked and picked and bought a lot of things.

The last time Xi Nuan went out, he also carried a big package, but there were more fruits and yogurt.

Xi Nuan's ability to pick vegetables is still a bit lacking.

Xi Nuan couldn't understand the difference between those that were watered and those that were not.

Maybe there should be a big difference, but Xiao Muchen is different.

Xiao Muchen is real, he can see if there is anything listless.

So he didn't take Xi Nuan out very often, and he didn't want Xi Nuan to buy vegetables.

It feels like Xi Nuan was fooled by others, so he bought a bunch of useless ones.

It's not bad money, but being cheated is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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