Chapter 1528

It's just that those things back then have never changed.

So, most of the time, even if you really haven't thought about it, but in the end, Xiao Muchen's feeling is nothing more than that you are still here, which is the best answer, and the rest will be useless. to doubt.

Moreover, your life may never have changed because of this moment.

Maybe this is what you understand. You have encountered these things in places you don't know, so you don't know how to deal with them.

In their hearts, that's it.

Xiao Muchen cooks very quickly. He was still chopping vegetables just now, but now he has already started frying.

Xi Nuan couldn't catch up with his speed, and Xi Nuan didn't have any talent for cooking, and they all knew it well.

Although I know a lot of people, there is nothing to care about, in their eyes, occasionally, I can feel the many differences, but if I really talk about it, it is the persistence deep in my heart .

After all, there are people who can feel it when describing all this.

They can't figure out whether those are for themselves or for others.

"Go and sit over there. The smell of oily smoke is relatively strong here, and you probably don't like to smell it."

Xiao Muchen's doting on Xi Nuan really reached a certain level.

No matter how many things you have done, it was only for this one person.

At the beginning, I didn't think about what to do, and I didn't think that life would really become extremely exciting because of these.

In their hearts, what is this, or what they have understood since the beginning, who knows.

It's just that it's not right to be divided into some people and where they appear.

At the beginning, they also felt the coldness, but as time went by, they could no longer see it.There are always some things that are not clear in themselves.

What Xiao Muchen thought was just his own wishful thinking.

During the competition, I would think of this person and many things, but the only thing I didn't understand was what was left afterward.

These few people will have too much understanding and many feelings.

But the only ones left, those unspoken words, are the most correct.

They still don't know whether their world really has any other thoughts because of one person.

Years, who has left anything because of whom, or how many changes in life, can make himself believe, this is his choice.

It doesn't make sense, I'm the only one who can think about this.

All his decisions, but it was only at this moment that he felt the difference.

At any time, when you feel these people or so many things at the same time, you will know that at the beginning, you didn’t think very well, or what you saw in your eyes was just a Just a little bit.

No one said anything to him, nor did he pay attention to these things.

It's nothing more than waiting, anyway, it's good not thinking about it.

They all believed, but after a lot of time passed, they didn't.

There was nothing left of that concern at all.

Who bends the waist for whom is a matter that is not clear in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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