God please lie down

Chapter 1529 I don't trust you

Chapter 1529 I don't trust you

He used to think that there would be many problems in places that he couldn't take care of, but even at this moment, he slowly remembered that no one was a child anymore.

With such a simple matter, there is nothing beyond comprehension.

They didn't say it, just because, indeed, they didn't take this into consideration.

Occasionally there are many times when they wonder whether the world they see in their eyes is very different from the present.

I thought I could take care of myself.

But at the end, I realized in a daze that it was not.

Because of one sentence, Xi Nuan was unable to figure out what she wanted in the end.

It's just a simple thought, and what I missed is only a little bit.

It wasn't until later that he realized that it was clearly his own problem.

But now, there are not so many regrets.

I can remember, just a little bit.

No matter how good it is, it is most right to keep all these words in your heart.

When Xiao Muchen put all the food on the table, Xi Nuan pinched a cherry in his hand, not knowing where to start his mouth.

"One cherry, how can you eat so many flowers?"

Xiao Muchen didn't know how to evaluate Xi Nuan's meal.

He couldn't understand some of Xi Nuan's habits, but luckily he didn't think about asking anything.

Whatever it was, it was their habit, as if they hadn't studied the rest.

Moreover, the reasons are given very well.

"Come and eat, don't think about that."

Xiao Muchen didn't know where Xi Nuan's interest came from, but he was still looking at Cherry and talking to himself.

"Understood, I just think this cherry looks so strange, let's study it."

Xi Nuan is very interested in these things that suddenly appear, and will put some thought into it.

"Come and eat, I'll take you to the station later."

"No need, I can just stop a car and go there."

Xiao Muchen didn't look at her, but said directly, "I know, but I'm worried."

Xiao Muchen just thinks more than others, don't ask why, sometimes even he can't see clearly what is in his mind, let alone others.

The people around him sometimes want to study him, but it has to look from a long time ago.

Now it's all gone. They haven't thought about it. Occasionally, they feel it. Maybe that's the case.

In fact, he didn't have too many preparations, he just said what he thought in his heart.

Xiao Muchen didn't expect many things before they happened.

It's just that in his heart, there is nothing better. He actually doesn't know how many things he thought were good at that time.

He actually remembered those things pretty well, but sometimes, he suddenly didn’t understand them very well. No matter what, he couldn’t see what he could say, and finally it belonged to him.

They really don't think so much. Occasionally, although the feeling is not better than thinking about it, in fact, they will study a lot of things.

Perhaps most of the time, he just kept it in his heart. If he didn't say it, no one would ask about it.

They are all very, very smart, so I haven't studied them much.

He himself is very clear that in many matters, he may not be able to come forward.

(End of this chapter)

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