God please lie down

Chapter 1530 wants to talk about their relationship

Chapter 1530 wants to talk about their relationship
In fact, he doesn't understand very well, and he is not so attached to many things.

Xiao Muchen is such a person, he doesn't care much about things that he doesn't care much about.

There are so many words, before they are said, they may not know too much.

In fact, he didn't think about it, but occasionally, he could see more.

Here, even in many things, I didn't think so many good things.

The person who used to be, at the end, couldn't see it, and didn't feel anything about it.

When you think about it, you can say anything.

"The food you cook is really delicious. It's over. When I celebrate the New Year, I'm afraid I won't be able to celebrate the New Year with peace of mind. I won't be able to eat your dishes. I don't know how to live my life."

At the beginning of the induction, I didn't think about it, but now, I must think about it, otherwise, Xi Nuan has no idea how to think about it.

It's not that I haven't thought about it, but many times, I'm not sure.

In his eyes, maybe before doing something, some excuses are needed, but at this moment, she felt that she was attracted by Xiao Muchen.

It is the kind of feeling that cannot be described in any words.

So she was thinking, this is not the end of the matter just planted here.

What's more, how would she live without Xiao Muchen.

Xi Nuan thought for a long time, and then realized that this whole life is really nothing.

He used to think about a lot of things, but at the end, he suddenly realized in a daze that these years, in his heart, were nothing more than that.

As good as it gets, there's nothing wrong with it.

She used to feel that those would not change because of one person.

But now, I gave up my obsession for so long.

He also couldn't think that such a good person as Xiao Muchen fell into his own hands.

He is full of strengths, but it was only now that he let himself see that it was really the case.

Nothing changes, and nothing in life needs to change.

If there is something, it may be that what I have insisted on all along is wrong.

At this moment, there is nothing more to think about.

"It's all in the same city anyway. Whenever you want to eat, just come to me. Don't you know my address? It's impossible to cook for others, but I think it's okay for you."

"Any time is fine. If you are unhappy, come and find me. I also have time. I will go back to the base in about a month or so after the new year. If you have any places you want to play, I can also bring you you go."

Xiao Muchen's words were already very straightforward, so he didn't need to say anything else.

He just wanted his little girl to be happy, and he didn't want her to be wronged in a place he couldn't see, and he didn't want her to feel that there was nothing good left in this world.

He is here, and he will definitely not let her bear these alone.

When Xi Nuan heard Xiao Muchen's words, there was only one thought in his head.

During the Chinese New Year, I wanted to confess their relationship with my family.

No matter what Xiao Muchen did, it never affected him.

What she likes is this person, that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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