God please lie down

Chapter 1536 Is It My House?

Chapter 1536 Is It My House?

It was true that Xi Nuan had a feast cooked by Xiao Muchen himself before leaving.

This big meal was the kind that he had never eaten before, because Xiao Muchen re-improved it after he found the menu.

Xiao Muchen's cooking skills are excellent anywhere.

When I took them together, I also thought about it. If I retire in the future and have nothing to do, I can stay in the base and cook for them.

At this level, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get it.

It's a pity that Xiao Muchen didn't have any ideas in this aspect at all, he didn't like doing it very much, and on this point, there was no one who didn't understand more than himself.

A long time ago, when they first learned about this, they were a little unbelievable.

After all, no matter how Xiao Muchen looked, he didn't look like a person who could cook in the kitchen.

His appearance is too cold, and maybe a lot of time, people feel that he has become a stranger. How can it be said that he can cook.

However, the team members in their base, except for Jiu Hen, probably don't know much about Xiao Muchen's special energy saving. After all, he has never shown his ability in the base.

This is also on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because Xiao Muchen feels that there is no need to do it for them.

Sometimes, when you see these people, it feels like seeing your enemies. Before you know the result, you have no idea how much the feelings of these people have changed.

But when it came to Xi Nuan, it was completely different.

Whatever you do for Xi Nuan is voluntary.

In other lives, there are not many changes, and I have never thought about what to do.

Just simply thinking about how to make her happy.

Xi Nuan lived here in Liangcheng for more than a month, but he didn't have many things.

Because she doesn't have many clothes, and she is not the kind of person who has to change a set of clothes every day.

Just enough to wear. When I go to work, I wash it when I come back that day. With two or three sets, I can survive for a week.

Plus the private server, after packing it out, it is less than a suitcase.

Xiao Muchen told her that there is no need to pack everything away.

This house is in his name.

Cheng Yuan said he gave it away, so he did.

Xiao Muchen didn't care much about these things with Cheng Yuan anymore, if he really cared about it, he might be angry.

After all, his temper was there, and Xiao Muchen couldn't hold back him.

So just follow him.

The relationship between the two of them, whether it is close or not, is not far.

Cheng Yuan helped him a lot in many things, from retiring to coming back, to returning to the arena, Cheng Yuan helped him a lot invisibly.

This person, back and forth, is afraid that he has a lot to think about.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Muchen felt that it was not possible, no matter how he was, there was nothing he couldn't think about.

At most, it's just that I don't understand it.

But after that time passed, I felt better.

"This house, yours?"

Xi Nuan was a little surprised. Before, she had heard Xiao Muchen say something, but she didn't know it very well. But now, hearing this from Xiao Muchen again, she was really shocked. look.

"Well, when he bought it, he said it was for me. I didn't think of it at the beginning, but now it seems that it's good for me. When you come here, you can live here. He didn't leave any of the keys, he gave them all to me."

(End of this chapter)

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