God please lie down

Chapter 1537 Do You Know Something

Chapter 1537 Do You Know Something

What Cheng Yuan did for Xiao Muchen should be far more than this.

Xiao Muchen never told Xi Nuan about this in detail, because he felt that she didn't need to know.

Whatever the truth is, it is not a favor owed by Xi Nuan, so she just needs to be responsible for being happy.

What's more, since Xi Nuan and Cheng Yuan watched the game together for such a long time, they should have some understanding of this person.

What he decides will never go back.

No room for rejection is allowed for others, even if that person is him, it is the same.

So what Xiao Muchen said now is true.

Maybe when he first started, he didn't know what Cheng Yuan meant.

But later, in terms of time, he understood.

It was nothing more than wanting to take care of himself more, but every time he had to find some excuses, fearing that Xiao Muchen would not accept it.

Xiao Muchen is not an ignorant person, once or twice he didn't understand, if there were too many times, he must have understood it long ago.

No matter how many words there may be, there is no need to say so clearly to each other.

Looking around, it should be to use your own thoughts to read so many feelings.

Occasionally, when they really can't find any reason, they can just ignore it. During this period of time, they didn't take so many things to heart at all.

"You told me that he treats you very well. I also felt it when I watched the game during this period. He is indeed a very good person. On this point, I trust your judgment."

"My brother seems to have a good relationship with him, but I don't know when the two of them got in touch."

"I remember that I told you about my brother before. He is really the only one in our family who dares to do whatever he thinks. It doesn't matter whoever says it. It seems that he has confirmed it. As for the matter, anyone who gets his face, basically, doesn't even need to save face for him."

Xi Nuan thought of that time, the uproar in the house was all related to Xi Feng.

But really, when almost everyone didn't approve of him doing that, he seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago.

His parents' objections, as well as other people's surprised gazes, were all behind him for him.

Xi Feng is a person who doesn't care at all. Even though so many things have happened to him, when you look at him, you still feel that the child's eyes are still so firm.

Xi Nuan used to only meet her a few times from afar. At that time, she was still young, and she didn't have much right to speak at home.

She just listened to what others said, and she didn't dare to speak.

But even in that state where he knew it was useless to say anything, he still stood on Xi Feng's side abruptly.

He knows a lot, but not a lot.

They all seem to have figured it out, and they must have already passed that age by now.

Xi Nuan felt that Xi Feng just did what he thought was worthwhile, and it had nothing to do with obstacles at home.

No matter how many ways he thought of at home, he could ignore it, maybe it was just his feeling.

There is nothing wrong, and there is no need to say anything.

Just like how you feel.

Many people and many things do not need any reason.

They can't find out what they are thinking.

It's just that most of the time, you may be able to see it.

But since there is an answer, there is no need to explain it so clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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