God please lie down

Chapter 1540 Maybe I Can't Think Of A Better One

Chapter 1540 Maybe I Can't Think Of A Better One
Is it true that I don't understand much, so I don't talk about it?

They don't know where the problem is, and it doesn't feel like their own reasons. They will figure it out, and it will never have anything to do with them. unclear.

They didn't even ask why they had the idea of ​​He Zi, maybe they just thought of this, and it's not impossible at all.

I still remember that at the beginning, I had such an idea, and then I started to discuss whether there was something wrong, and I couldn't figure out how I thought about this problem in those years.

"However, I still find it very interesting to hear you say that. I don't know why I thought about so many things in my heart at that time. Maybe it was just a simple feeling. Anyway, it is already like this. No matter what, it doesn't matter. It's going to get worse."

"However, at that time, my brother and his family were really not very happy. We all know this, but he is a person. He just does what others say, and he just does it according to his own ideas. It doesn't matter. , occasionally you will know that maybe at the end of the day, all you need to see is nothing more than this. They really don't know what to do, which is the best. At the beginning, they will think about the plan , but in the end, it is the society that can make him understand.”

Xi Nuan recalled that at that time the family was full of quarrels, and it was simply because they always felt that Xi Feng would never understand what had happened unless something happened to them.

Thinking about things and doing things are always two different things.

You don't even know when and what kind of accident will happen. The only thing you can see is that during this period of time, you have thought about it, but no one will meet it.

Maybe this is what he has been thinking in his heart for a long time. No one knows what happened.

The only thing that comes to mind is that, no matter how many things you can do, in the end, it is just a sentence.

If you don't know clearly, then don't say it.

It's not necessary, and it doesn't matter.

In their hearts, there is nothing more than this thought.

There are many times when I can clearly feel that I would think of these things, never because I gave up something in the past, but because I have already thought about the way forward in my heart.

He couldn't speak, let alone understand.

Only when you think about this person will you take the lead and what is the best.

These few of them have inevitably struggled for too long in this period of time.

I can't think of such a beautiful scenery, just like myself in the past, completely unable to realize that it is a person or a story after all.

Some people always have a lot of thoughts in places they can't see.

That thought, more or less, is accompanied by a little approval.

It's just that they don't quite understand whether it is their own problem or someone else's.

If you want to know something simply by relying on an understanding, it can only be because you haven't found a sufficient reason.

It's a pity to say it, I missed so much time, and what I can see are all just memories.

Other people's words, I'm afraid they didn't pay much attention to it from the beginning.

What is the need to know.

(End of this chapter)

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