God please lie down

Chapter 1541 Didn't feel happy

Chapter 1541 Didn't feel happy

After Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan had been arguing for a while, he looked at the time and felt that he was about to be sent to the station, so he stretched out his hand to embrace him.

Hugging Xi Nuan lightly, she whispered in her ear, "If you miss me, remember to call me, I will visit you."

Just a word.

Xiao Muchen didn't want to say anything, he felt that what he said was enough.

Between the two of them, there should be no need for these.

Perhaps at the very beginning, I had to think about something.

But at this moment, I just want to enjoy the time before parting quietly.

Xiao Muchen always said that he didn't remember many things very clearly, but when it came to Xi Nuan's matter, he remembered every bit of it clearly, without missing a single point.

Even the people around were surprised.

Xiao Muchen is indeed a very smart person. On this point, everyone admits it, because whether it is studying or doing things, there are rules and regulations. It may take others a year, but he may only need a few months.

It is precisely because of the comparison that it shows that he is very powerful.

But most of the time, Xiao Muchen would not think about anything specially.

He is lazy.

Except for the things he needs for his own feelings, he is indifferent to everything, which is not a day or two.

Therefore, he can put so much thought into Xi Nuan's matter, which is enough to prove everything.

It's like Xiao Muchen clearly remembers the encounter between the two of them, and even everything in life, he clearly remembers.

It's not for anything, it's just that I cherish these things very much. It's very simple, and there is no need to understand it.

It seemed that they knew so much, but in the end, it was nothing more than that.

"I really don't want to go back. What's the use if I can't pass this year."

Leaving Xiao Muchen's embrace, Xi Nuan said softly, she really didn't think that she would get the kind of happiness of Chinese New Year.

When she went there, she thought that during the Chinese New Year, there would be more people in the family, and it would be the best if she could see them.

But later, I suddenly discovered that there is no meaning of celebrating the New Year at home.

It was still cold, and after that, she felt that it was boring.

After spending the New Year's Eve alone, I started to go out to play.

Maybe that's all there is to it, what else, who knows.

They used to think that they could see it, but only later did they realize it soberly, and it was really just a matter of thinking about it.

Otherwise, there is no reason at all.

"Do you really want to go back that much?"

Xiao Muchen laughed, the pampering in his eyes was easily seen.

When facing Xi Nuan, he was real, he didn’t want to think at all, and most of the time, he didn’t understand well enough, and he didn’t understand everything, but every time he thought about a problem, he would know, so, Even meeting so many people didn't make me feel better.

Their feelings are still the same.

What they let go is the past that they can't think clearly. Once they feel it like this, they will find that this time has never gone far.

They are still here, still in their hearts, and have found their own way.

Occasionally, sometimes, although the feeling is not quite right.

But after all, none of them felt much.

(End of this chapter)

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