God please lie down

Chapter 1549 Games and Computers

Chapter 1549 Games and Computers
When Xiao Muchen was alone, he was not willing to talk, after all, he was dull.

In addition to games, it is the computer.

There is nothing to talk about, and it feels like everything is held in my heart.

Otherwise, you simply don't have to think about it yourself.

Because the rest is not so clear.

But when Xi Nuan left like this, he also left with his heart.

The most frightening thing is nothing more than that.

You can't see clearly what he has experienced during this period of time.

Once there is something to say, then I can't help but have to say it.

At the beginning, I felt like I had thought it up, but it was only at the end that I realized that it was useless.

It's okay to say this to others.

Now it's my turn, and I haven't been able to get out of it yet.

Xiao Muchen thought, he didn't use up a lot of time, but it was of no use at all.

If you really think so, then it wouldn't be a waste of so much time.

Don't they even have a sense of proportion when they think about things?

Obviously not, it's just that I don't want to come here.

It's a bit of a pity to say it.

Some people, some things, are obviously unwilling to let others try.

But I really put it on myself, but I don't know what to do.

Xiao Muchen rarely dealt with these things, he was too late, and he was not too good at it.

It's like, your own life, although it's up to you to decide.

But it seems that there are a lot of times, it is not quite possible for myself to determine what.

He didn't know what these words said, whether it was good or bad, it might cause a lot of disputes.

Originally, I really didn't think about what to do, but now it seems that it may really not be very good.

If you have the ability, you can come with real knives and guns. What's the point of playing those low methods.

That's what he used to tell himself, so his behavior is completely different from that of others.

They couldn't understand that feeling at all, so they felt that maybe once it was over, they really didn't have to think too much about it.

Those things that I thought about at the beginning may not be useful in the end.

He also couldn't tell what it was like. It was nothing more than a real ability when he thought about it well, and before he thought about it, it was just a joke for others to hear.

It's like running away from some scourge.

The jungler of the TW team had a girlfriend, but it was posted on Weibo's hot search for a while. At that time, they looked like they had just won the championship, and then he dared to say something like this when presenting the award .

Without a little courage, how could it be possible.

It so happened that I met Xiao Muchen who didn't take other people's comments to heart.

No one's words will continue to affect what he decides to do.

So he dared to say those words, it's nothing, liking someone is never a wrong thing.

This is what he has known clearly since the early morning, so many times, no matter what he has done.

As long as the initiative is in your own hands, that is good enough.

Instead of asking others to think about something, they also look at it that way.

Occasionally, sometimes, although I have understood it long ago, it is not necessary to do so.

There are not many opportunities for people.

But if you think so, then maybe you have to determine something.

If this is really the case, do you want to say something again?

Occasionally good or bad, they are not very necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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