God please lie down

Chapter 1550 Didn't make it clear

Chapter 1550 Didn't make it clear

I don't care much about what other people say, and I feel that these have nothing to do with myself.

I don't know what's going on in my head when I think about this.

It's not muddled, it's just that I suddenly realized that I was already prepared.

What he lacks is not safety, but when thinking about things, there are too many things that can be expected.

Regardless of whether it was in the past or now, the matter in front of us still needs to be resolved.

And whether those people in your eyes really have to become better because of these, no one knows.

Xi Nuan fell asleep after getting in the car, because he didn't know what to do when he was awake.

She will take the initiative to think of that person, and it is clear that the two of them have not been separated for a long time.

But the feeling in my heart is uncontrollable, I simply hope to give myself a chance, and don't let myself go into the misunderstanding.

He may think about it and research it, and feel that it is his own problem.

But more often, you can only know it after thinking about it, which is useless.

Maybe in these people's hearts, these are just things on the surface, but to him, it's not.

It is because you dare to open your mouth to know that you can't be wrong.

When Xi Nuan dreams, he always dreams of Xiao Muchen.

It's a time when two people are together, whether they really didn't think about it, or what, no one knows.

Xi Nuan was in a daze in his sleep, and he didn't know what he was dreaming about.

It's just that I just think it's pretty good.

You can't see anyone, but you can see each other in a dream, which is very fulfilling.

Meeting this person is already the best.

What else is there to think about.

It is such a person who can make himself feel at ease. He will feel that time will not go very slowly, but it will not go too far away.

Whether there is really anything, he doesn't know.

Later, I realized that when I like people, even my dreams are beautiful.

I will think of this person, and then I will also think of some things. If I only say, if there is any difference, it is equivalent to bringing all the stories of my past into my heart.

In fact, he couldn't think of it, especially because he felt that these were really nothing.

If you can understand it, you already understood it.

If you don’t understand, you can’t blame yourself for thinking too much.

Occasionally, people realize that these should be kept in the heart, and they can't think so much, but in reality.

It should be no matter what, he used to say that these stories are probably his own problems, and they are not as good as he thought.

It's not like before, I feel that what I think is actually good, but to a certain extent, I don't know what I'm doing.

I never cared about it, and those words should not have been said in the first place.

In fact, they didn't think about it for a long time, but simply felt that if this was the case, they might have thought about it or not, and it didn't make much difference.

It's not that he can't wait, but he doesn't know when he can wait.

Occasionally, it is better to be willful. In these matters, only those who have the initiative have the opportunity to continue to do it.

If you don't have a chance, find a way to do it.

After all, there are better ideas, not always here.

They actually understand it, they just don't make it clear.

(End of this chapter)

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