Chapter 1577
Before Xiao Muchen left, he ate at home with Yu Sheng, and he cooked all the leftover ingredients.

Then if you can't eat it, put it in the refrigerator.

For Yu Sheng, that was naturally excellent.

After all, it's been a long time since I tasted Xiao Muchen's craftsmanship, so if I say I don't miss it, it's naturally impossible.

After eating the meal he made, if you don't think about it, it's not normal.

If you think about it now, you will know that whether it was in the past or now, this person's level has always been online.

Thinking about it, I still feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

With such a thought, you can see that they are all here in the original story.

When I think about it occasionally, I will let myself see that they worked hard together in that summer.

Later, although there was nothing left, it would not be nothing at all.

"Everyone said, it's not good for the rest of the things to be stored for a long time. You still insist on letting me make them. You really are. I don't even know what to say about you."

"No way, it's rare for you, a chef, to make a move. I'm afraid that I won't know when the next time we meet. You know that we are both busy. If we can be like this, you come to my house and I When you think about it, it’s quite difficult.”

For example, Xiao Muchen and the others are a little bit better, they basically play games in fixed places.

He is different, flying all over the world.

He himself felt that the time he could stay in the base was very limited.

Not to mention meeting each other, having a meal or something.

No matter how you look at it, it is somewhat unlikely.

If you keep everything from the past in your heart, isn't that the same as saying nothing?

Maybe this topic is not what he wants.

"That's true, but you, I thought you could treat yourself better by talking about health preservation these two days, but I found out that you seem, that is to say, your schedule has changed, it seems that you don't Yes, nothing more."

"It's pretty good to go to bed early. This is still not in the base. Otherwise, it would be impossible to go to bed so early."

After thinking about it, Yu Sheng felt that his life was really true.

It's almost like being planned out, and I don't know when to do what.

He himself doesn't really like this kind of environment, but sometimes, there's nothing he can do about it.

He always hoped that it would be better for him to decide his own life.

So, Yu Sheng felt that it was better to do it by himself.

Among other things, what he wants to do is always known by himself.

He doesn't meddle in other people's worlds, and he doesn't want others to meddle in his own.

In this regard, his realm is very similar to that of Xiao Muchen.

"Okay, after dinner, I'll take you to the airport. I'll leave the car with me first. When you come back, just ask me to pick it up. I'll have a long vacation in the next year."

Their team performance is not bad, so the free time given is relatively long.

It's still very humane, after all, it didn't ask them too much.

Sometimes, Shen Wen really felt that they were tired, so he asked them to take a rest.

Xiao Muchen just didn't think about so many people, and his whole life didn't change much.

Xiao Muchen's plane was after four o'clock in the afternoon, after Yu Sheng sent him to the airport, he stayed with him for a while, and went back after he had passed the security checkpoint.

Before the new year, he also felt very happy to be able to get together.

(End of this chapter)

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