God please lie down

Chapter 1578 Return

Chapter 1578 Return

Before Xiao Muchen got on the plane, he even sent a message to Xi Nuan.

But Xi Nuan didn't return, so Xiao Muchen was not persistent in this matter.

According to his understanding, maybe Xi Nuan has something to do at this time.

She is also very busy, so she doesn't have that much time.

Xiao Muchen only knew part of what Xi Nuan was doing.

Xi Nuan's major in University is English, so her future work direction must be translation, so Xi Nuan can be regarded as a very top-notch student.

So her employment has never been a problem.

It is only divided into whether she wants greater development, or what.

Xi Nuan also once said in front of Xiao Muchen that she has no ambitions, she didn't have any before, and she won't have any in the future.

She didn't have it before because she felt that such a life was very tiring, but she won't have it in the future because she has someone more important than ambition.

There is more or less no need to think about these things anymore, who can't say what they said, and those reasons.

But let’s talk about it, if we really wait until it is made clear, then there may still be other methods or methods.

After Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan were together, the two of them never talked about these things at all.

Unnecessary things, even if you really think about it clearly, you may think about it, just a few things, it will not have any other impact on the two of them.

So simply, don't take these things to heart.

The place in my heart should not be occupied by these things.

When you see their appearance, you already know it, and the life you yearn for the most is like this.

I can't tell what it feels like, but just thinking about it, I feel that I shouldn't design such a long-term thing.

Xi Nuan tossed about the translation all day, was a little tired, and then took a nap.

It was only when she woke up that she saw the message Xiao Muchen had sent her.

Get on the plane!

He is also coming back.

Xi Nuan was immediately very happy, and he didn't know how to describe his joyful mood.

If Xiao Muchen came back, Xi Nuan wouldn't feel too lonely.

Even if the two of them don't meet each other, they feel pretty good.

When the heart belongs, it is like having a home.

It's much better than this cold place.

They don't say anything every day, except to face the icy coldness, and they can't find out if it's still icy cold.

What Xi Nuan was thinking about was that they had been in contact for such a long time.

Some things, needless to say, already know what's going on.

It is unnecessary to think or not to think about anything.

It's not that they can't see, nor can they understand everything.

Occasionally, in some time, we can tolerate each other a little bit, which is a good thing.

Don't care so much at all, and don't have to think about anything else.

In the past few years, they have nothing more than thinking or thinking about something else.

Xiao Muchen's life is not static at all.

It's just that sometimes, he just keeps going.

I thought about it a lot in my heart, and then I realized that it wasn't that I didn't think about it, but that I had already felt that it was unnecessary for a long time.

They have a lot of feelings, but they don't know what the waiting memories look like.

They thought about it for a long time, but the only time they made themselves clear was that it was like this.

Although the words are needless to say, what is shown may have another meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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