God please lie down

Chapter 1582 Worry

Chapter 1582 Worry
In the past, Xiao Muchen seemed to have no weakness, he just did anything, and didn't think it mattered at all.

But now, you can touch him, but you can't touch the person he likes.

There is nothing to describe this, just know it.

Who can look at anything else.

Xiao Muchen was someone who cared in his eyes, so he didn't pay attention to other things.

If this were changed to the past, it would be impossible.

But now.

The times have changed.

Xiao Muchen was already about to fall into the grave of love, so there was nothing else.

It has to be said that this has already been calculated long ago.

Naturally, they didn't know what Xiao Muchen was thinking, maybe sometimes, when they felt it, they would hardly say so much.

After all, sometimes, many thoughts only exist in one's own head.

How other people see things has basically nothing to do with him.

Xiao Muchen is nothing more than that when he thinks about things, he still feels a little unsatisfactory. Occasionally, you can still see that in his heart, it's not that he doesn't care about these people's thoughts at all, otherwise he wouldn't have waited now.

I can't explain it, and I dare not think about it.

I thought about it and thought about it casually, but I didn't think it had anything to do with it.

When Xiao Muchen woke up and left the curtains, he could already see the sunrise.

When I took the phone, I saw a lot of missed calls on it.

Wechat messages are Xi Nuan.

Xiao Muchen felt that he hadn't experienced such a life for a long time, that he could sleep until he woke up naturally.

At the base, he was like a player who wanted to practice every day.

In your free time, think about how you should write your own programming.

Anyway, there is no free time, there are a lot of things waiting to be dealt with.

For such a question, whether he knows it or not, it doesn't really make any difference.

Anyway, as long as you think it over, you don't need to say anything else, even the feeling, you don't need to feel it very clearly.

It seems that it is enough to say that this is the case, otherwise, I don't pay much attention to it.

After Xiao Muchen read a bunch of content on the phone, he replied one by one.

Then he called Xi Nuan, and when he answered the phone, he could clearly hear a relieved voice over there.

"I thought you were missing."

"No, I was a little tired after getting off the plane yesterday. When I got home, I took a shower. I wanted to rest on the bed, but I fell asleep." Xiao Muchen also felt that it was embarrassing to say these explanations.

But there is no way, it is a fact that he fell asleep.

Anyway, now that I'm awake, I don't feel anything.

"It's okay to fall asleep, I'm really worried about what's wrong with you."

Xi Nuan didn't sleep well that night, after all, Xiao Muchen gave the chicken, and while talking with him, he didn't reply to the message.

The point is, before she disappeared, she didn't tell her what she was going to do, which is very suspicious.

Xi Nuan was also worried all night, but now that the news finally came, it was much better.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be that my preparation for such a long time was useless.

Thinking about it, I feel that I don't know how to describe it at all.

If you are worried about such words, you definitely don't need to say it.

Originally, I thought it was unnecessary, and I shouldn't make a fuss about it.

(End of this chapter)

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