God please lie down

Chapter 1583 Inherent Pride

Chapter 1583 Inherent Pride

It can be considered that they have been tossing each other for such a long time back and forth, and there is no definite number after all.

It is also unclear what they are thinking in their hearts, and they will know what to do. On the one hand, they can figure it out after thinking about it, but it will take a little time, that's for sure.

Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan had a long phone call before hanging up.

The whole person got up and made himself something to eat.

He bought the things at the supermarket downstairs when he came back yesterday.

Just thinking about it, it is estimated that I will have to stay at home for a few days, so I might as well be lazy and buy them all at once.

Otherwise, you have to go out.

He really didn't want to move. It was rare for him to take a vacation. He always wanted to stay at home forever, and if he thought of something, he didn't think of it.

It could only be that during this period of time, he was too lazy to take care of the base, and he didn't know what happened.

However, during the vacation period, even if the players had something, they couldn't be found.

Anyway, now that I have made it clear, don't think about it.

Because I can't figure out at all whether many of the things here should be done by myself.

He once thought about so many things, and then pursued them. He was thinking about whether he had spent a long time pursuing things that had nothing to do with him.

Occasionally feel some, should not be wrong.

So just don't think about it, don't let yourself have so many troubles.

When they first started, during this period of time, they were indeed no different from being stocked.

It's all about doing what you like, and never thinking about what others say, and never paying attention to it.

They really don't know what else they should think about here.

Xiao Muchen made something, then turned on the TV and watched variety shows for a while.

In the afternoon, I found a few people in the WeChat group and played five rows together for a while.

Time passed like this, and before you knew it, it was night.

Xiao Muchen's life is very simple, and it doesn't seem that there are too many bells and whistles.

As far as he behaves, when he doesn't contact others, others don't talk to him very much.

Anyway, if you think about something, it must be that during this period, there is simply no human rights.

Doing what you think you like, even if it takes energy, is worth it.

That's right, that's how it is.

They dare not say, just look at it this way.

After winning the championship, many people must come to inquire about their team's next development plan, but Xiao Muchen thought about it, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

At most, he would just go back and sign a new contract.

Nothing else.

Nothing is missing.

I will also realize that during this period of time, although I don't do anything, at least I have thoughts in my heart.

It's not that what will happen if you win the championship, but hope that the dream will not just fall away.

This is Xiao Muchen's innate pride, and he will not give up just because of anything.

It took him a long time to come all the way to the present. If he said that he didn't care about anything, it might be because there was something he didn't think about.

And others, you don't have to feel it yourself.

Some things are meant to be there.

It doesn't matter if he moves or doesn't.

(End of this chapter)

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