God please lie down

Chapter 1661 No Suspicion

Chapter 1661 No Suspicion

No one has the means to make decisions for other people's lives, even if it is theirs, it is the same.

Most of the time, don't think about it, and don't think there will be any problems.

At the beginning, when they didn't expect it, everything was just guesswork.

When Xiao Muchen was ordering, Xi Nuan just looked at him quietly and didn't do anything.

He stopped playing with his mobile phone, and he was the only one in the home port.

I really enjoy this kind of time when two people are together and interact with each other. When I travel, I have such thoughts.

There will be a good illusion, as if the two of them have been together for many years.

But in fact, the two of them seem to have been together for less than half a year.

The progress is a bit fast, but it feels good.

What I want is this kind of feeling. When I didn't know anything before, I felt that it didn't matter.

Maybe even if I thought of it myself, I still don't know what to do.

But after meeting Xiao Muchen, the two who knew nothing started to learn from each other.

They are still very good, they never imagined that those past experiences were all worthwhile for them.

I have thought about a lot of things, and I have also thought about the lives of two people, so many times, don't think that it is just like this, you obviously don't know anything.

Besides, even if you understand it, you may not make the right choice.

Life is nothing more than such a process. When you think you have thought about it, many accidents will happen.

Then accidents will teach you, many times, don't be blindly confident.

And these things are what you must learn on the way of your life growth.

No one can step over the past, and no one can know what it matters.

At the very beginning, Xiao Muchen only thought of a little bit, but he really didn't know much about the rest.

For him, it doesn't matter, and he doesn't think it matters.

When they thought about this, they never felt that there was anything good about this story.

But actually, he's doing pretty well.

"Take a look and see if there is anything else you want to eat. I ordered it according to your taste. I have eaten with you a few times before, so I probably remember it, so I didn't ask for your opinion."

Xi Nuan just laughed and said after a long while, "You can just order, I'm not picky eaters, I like to eat whatever you order, I like the feeling of being with you, even if the two of us stand outside drinking Northwest Wind, I feel happy."

Xi Nuan was already hopeless, and there was no way to save him.

She liked this person so much that she couldn't help herself, she knew it a long time ago.

There were still some small habits before, but after being with Xiao Muchen, Xi Nuan has changed a lot of her habits.

The shortcomings of being together no longer exist.

Speaking of it, it's not that they don't think about anything, nor do they feel that, most of the time, they don't want to look at it this way.

It's just pure thinking, anyway, it's already like this, it doesn't matter.

At the beginning, they also had suspicions.

But in the rest of the time, Xi Nuan still lives according to his own ideas.

She never needs to accommodate others, if that person is not Xiao Muchen, she will feel that life is meaningless.

It's not what I want, and by the way, I feel that there are many things that I don't really want to face.

(End of this chapter)

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