God please lie down

Chapter 1662 Just be yourself

Chapter 1662 Just be yourself

"You, you, I remember that you used to have something you didn't eat, why don't you have any ideas now, I don't know that you have already made such a big change, is it because of me?"

Xiao Muchen asked this because he knew.

He knew what was good because it happened.

Many times, although he has never been in touch, at least he can understand and know what is the best.

Many people and many things are the most real to him.

Many times, it is still expected, what is the life you want.

People like them, in many cases, are never narcissistic, but simply have that kind of intuitive feeling.

"Because you are not wrong, do you think there is something wrong?"

"No, as long as you think it's good, I don't ask you to do something because of me. You know, I have only one requirement for you. You just need to be responsible for your happiness."

After such a long time, Xiao Muchen still has that original intention.

He just wants Xi Nuan to be happy when he is with him, so that she will not be disturbed by outside things.

No matter what is on her mind, Xiao Muchen will find a way to help her accomplish it.

He is Xi Nuan's boyfriend, and this is what he should do.

Most of the time, it’s not as good as you think.

He doesn't have to think too much about anything, but after that, he doesn't have to think about it.

No relationship, no reason.

"You don't have to put your mind on me all the time. You just have to play your game well. I can do it by myself. Look at me, haven't I come here for so many years? My parents didn't care much about me at the time. , I’m alone, and I’m here too. I may feel a little lonely when I was young, but I still have friends. When I’m unhappy, I can talk to them. After I finish talking, they will comfort me and make me feel , I felt much more comfortable inside.”

At that time, Xi Nuan really thought about a lot of things.

She didn't learn it, she won't, she tried to learn it, but in the end, she found it was useless.

In many cases, it may be because of these relationships that she missed a lot of things.

But no regrets, because I met better ones.

And that person is sitting in front of her now, making Xi Nuan feel that her life and everything is over.

Whether it is light or darkness, she has made a choice long ago.

I also know that this kind of self is the most real.

There is no request, and there is no right or wrong, just here, you can see Xiao Muchen, and you can also see their future.

So sometimes, they will know that when they think about it, there is no need to take care of it in life.

"I told you before that I can avoid many things and I can be good, so I won't be your burden, and you don't have to worry about it when you are playing Worry about me, I know how you feel at that time, when I sat under the stage, I felt your fear."

"But when you were on the stage, you never showed it. You did a good job, you deserved the championship, and I think, in my heart, you are the best player. You don't have to care about others Just continue to be yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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