God please lie down

Chapter 1701 Will be afraid

Chapter 1701 Will be afraid

When Xiao Muchen left, he felt that the whole sky was gray.

He suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood, it felt like it hadn't happened for many years.

Even back then, when he was about to leave the arena, he didn't look like this.

It's because he doesn't know what he should do, or in many cases, he can't think clearly at all, so even if he gave himself a chance, there is no reason.

But it's different now, he clearly knows what he wants, and he also knows that in many cases, even if he doesn't think about it, he doesn't think it matters.

It's over, let's go, don't ask yourself to know more, and don't ask yourself to encounter something better when you think about it.

However, he knew that Xi Nuan also hated himself.

Otherwise, when the two of them stood there, she wouldn't say nothing.

She probably didn't want to go by herself, but she also felt that if she acted like a baby, it would be bad for herself.

Many times, I really want to do nothing.

Even if a lot really happened, it didn't matter to me.

Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

This is the case for Xiao Muchen himself. Most of the time, it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he simply has no way to think about it.

When it comes to feelings, I feel more like a fool. I don't know where to start, or how many things he has done.

He didn't want to take credit, and he didn't want to make Xi Nuan feel bad about himself because of this. Most of the time, he could still do his own thing.

But whether time will give him so many opportunities, he has no idea.

It’s not the kind where you can do whatever you want.

But after thinking about it myself, I found that there was nothing I could use.

Only at that time can we understand it, almost already made it clear.

Whether they believe it or not is not very important to me.

After all, in his eyes, there is not much difference between what happened and what didn't happen.

It was like when he was boarding the plane, he was still thinking about Xi Nuan.

For the first time, I had doubts about my own career, and I began to feel that there is nothing wrong with going to school occasionally.

The school between two people, although not very close.

But if you drive, it's not far away.

If you want to see it, you can see it, and you don't have to endure any longing for other places.

It's because I really like it, so I feel that if I give myself a chance, I will really choose again.

Regardless of whether there is any difference between him and himself, what he thinks is the most correct one.

Hobbies do not mean that one must go through such a process in one's life. If someone else came over, he would still say the same.

He used to think about a lot of things, but at the end, he still told himself that it would be better to give up.

After so many things have passed, it is like never having experienced it.

Even if there is a relationship, nothing feels good or bad.

For him, life is a process like this.

But it seems that only at this moment can they understand how persistent they are deep in their hearts.

It turns out that only if you really like it, you will have this kind of unforgettable fear.

(End of this chapter)

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