Chapter 1702
He will be afraid of separation, and even more afraid that in this story, from beginning to end, he is the only one.

When you can't figure it out, just put it there, it seems that it doesn't matter, anyway, sooner or later, you have to admit it.

At that moment, you thought, thought about those people, and thought about those things, but it seems that no one will understand why they thought so much at the beginning, and the rest is just missing .

Only after I have really experienced it can I know that there are many things that are already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the casual relationship.

They really can, not can't.

Would you think so if you were yourself?

Xiao Muchen looked at the sky and fell into silence for the first time.

I am not sure that what I think is right, and more often, I don’t know that there are so many relationships, or what is the relationship with myself.

I have thought too much, but there are too many uncertainties.

It feels like it is only when things happen that you can understand what you are doing.

In the rest of the time, I was thinking and chasing something.

Now, I want to stop for one person.

This kind of feeling doesn't happen often, and it's not because many times, I think about it a lot, so I have a relationship with it.

For him, when thinking about things, he must take these into account.

Or is it because I didn't think about it at the beginning, so I have the current idea?

It's not that you have to do this, it's just that you suddenly feel that many times, when you are not sure, you feel that since it has already passed, you shouldn't care so much, after all, what do you want? When I was young, I never knew that even a little illusion in my heart would affect many things.

There are always people who will not believe in themselves. In this regard, he has enough experience.

But that's not the case, it can be as good as it can be.

Thinking of these, I couldn't fall asleep.

I can't help but think of that person.

I will feel that I have missed a lot of things in the past.

What did he think at that moment?

I don't know, and I don't understand.

I simply feel that if I let myself make some decisions, it may not be so easy.

After all, there are more things to care about and more people to contact. No matter what he does, it is impossible for him to solve it very well at the same time.

So there must be something neglected, and they are afraid that this will make them feel unbalanced in their hearts.

In fact, in many landscapes, they have their thoughts and have a lot of understanding.

I began to understand that even if I thought too much, if I couldn't solve it, even if I stood in front of myself, it would be useless.

Speaking of it, there is nothing to worry about at all.

It doesn't matter how many ideas and gaps they had at that time.

Since it's not what you think, it's useless.

Xiao Muchen was drowsy on the plane for these two hours, and he didn't know how many things he was thinking on the plane.

But he could feel that his head was a little muddled, and he didn't know what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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