God please lie down

Chapter 1703 Turned into a Lemon

Chapter 1703 Turned into a Lemon
After going back and forth for so many years, this is the first time this has happened.

It made him feel a little surprised, but it didn't seem to matter.

After all, when I thought about it, I was only a little scared, but later, I didn't have to think about it that much.

The matter is not serious in the first place, and there is nothing wrong with it, just give it some time and recover by itself.

There's no need to go there and make it look like everyone in the world wants to know, it's not good for him.

When he was with Xi Nuan, he didn't encounter any resistance, let alone encounter things that he had never thought about.

So naturally, he couldn't keep everything in his heart, which would make him feel that even if he thought about it a lot sometimes, in fact, it didn't make any sense.

It feels more like an imagination before I really want to understand these things.

He didn't miss this moment, and he didn't want others to misunderstand anything.

As I said, if you want to give, give the best.

When he thought of this, his first reaction was still, Xi Nuan should not be wronged.

He doesn't care much about other things.

For him, it is nothing more than, such a few simple principles, maybe occasionally, if he does too much, he does not make a lot of mistakes.

But no problem.

When he landed, Xiao Muchen turned on his mobile phone, and after waiting for a while, sent Xi Nuan a safe message.

Only then did we stop the car and go to the base.

It's true that he has been away from the base for a long time, and he almost forgot what it's like to play a game.

But things like playing games are really completely different from what I thought.

When Xiao Muchen returned to the base, he saw them all there.

That's called completeness, and I feel like I'm the last one to come back.

But Xiao Muchen felt that he was somewhat different.

Because they are single dogs, but I am not.

So the difference came out all at once. When they come back, they all need to bring a bunch of things prepared by their parents.

He was prepared by Xi Nuan, from clothes to supplies, he wished he could move the whole supermarket here.

I don't know what they think about themselves in their hearts, but there is such a process, no matter how you look at it, it feels very strange, okay?

But it cannot be refused.

It's just been a year, if this is the case, if he offends people, Xiao Muchen probably doesn't know how to coax him.

He is an invincible straight man.

Sometimes I can make my friends around me so angry that I wish I could have a fight with him on the spot, but in fact nothing happened.

After all, Xiao Muchen is a sign that strangers should not come close to him written all over his body, if anyone wants to die, he really runs over and doesn't care.

That is really desperate, if they are happy, they are also very happy.

What's more, during this period of time, no matter how you look at it, Xiao Muchen's temper has improved a lot.

Sometimes even if they were joking in front of him, he would laugh it off. If it was the past, he might be able to teach them how to behave.

Strength is here, no one dares to underestimate it.

"Brother Chen, you're back."

"I see that you brought a lot of things back with you like this. Sure enough, people who have girlfriends are different from us."

"We all take it home with big and small bags. You are taking it directly to the base. The treatment is really different from ours."

Really envious.

Needless to say anything, they are all lemons one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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