Chapter 1748

Xiao Muchen felt that only when he thought of that little girl did he realize that it was really more suitable for him.

His temperament is as warm as water, but he doesn't act in such a slow manner.

There will be some surprises for you all the time to make you feel happy.

When Xiao Muchen was young, because of his family relationship, he rarely had any contact with others, because in his eyes, many things were unnecessary.

Even if he did it, he might not get any benefits. From then on, he began to think, if he didn't even know this, would he have to face something else sooner or later.

Don't think about anything else, just look at it like this, there is nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, when these things have passed, he is still the one who can think of everything.

Persistence is the result that is good for me, and it is more exciting than ever.

He seemed to have already had a well-thought-out answer, a secret that he never wanted to be known.

It is best to hide it in the bottom of my heart.

It's not when you have to say it, you can do something, but in many cases, you have to think about it.

For him, there is nothing that must be done, so don't think about it.

Because maybe even if you give yourself time, you still can't figure it out.

A person like him, sometimes, just because he cares too much, will feel that even if he really wants to do something, if he can't find a perfect way, he won't open his mouth.

For many reasons after that, I really didn't dare to think about it at all. After all, I knew a lot from the beginning.

In their eyes, there is no need to care about anything else, because all your past, at this moment, is nothing more than simple.

At that time, they probably never thought that one day, they would need to deal with these things.

After all, in the bottom of my heart, I still cared about a person and thought about a lot of things. If this is the case, it will appear more perfect.

I fulfilled a lot of wishes, and then I realized that when I was thinking about things, there were really many differences in thousands of ways.

If I was wrong, then when I find the result, I should let the reality see that what I thought at the beginning was just a lie.

He didn't know, and didn't dare to know.

Occasionally at a certain age, I still consider that it is better to keep those people and even those things in my heart.

When I don't talk to them, it's so that I can have an idea the moment I speak, instead of knowing nothing.

I still remember that a long time ago, someone told him this.

Later, I forgot, and I didn't quite understand what I was thinking about.

If he had let himself know earlier that he was going to face these things when he came back, he seemed to have other ways.

At least, it's more glorious than it is now.

He doesn't need to listen to everyone's opinions. Most of the time, he should think about it. Even if something happens, he doesn't need to do anything when he comes to him.

Maybe after thinking about it, you can know something else.

After all, when he was thinking, he realized.

So what I have to say is that he understands the hesitation you see in your eyes.

Afterwards, there was nothing to think about.

(End of this chapter)

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