God please lie down

Chapter 1749 Maybe that's the case

Chapter 1749 Maybe that's the case

The best way to love someone is to protect her and always be by her side when she needs it.

Xiao Muchen thought, he should be like this too.

He wasn't sure if the love at that time had any effect on him.

But he knew that those who were approved would never let go for the rest of their lives.

I didn't think about how many storms there would be, let alone whether it would be better if I were someone else.

He didn't bother to think about these things, because he felt that he was unique.

Otherwise, why should Xi Nuan choose him among thousands of people?

I didn't understand it before, I thought it was just a joke, but now he knows that it is not a joke at all, everyone is serious, and no one will make a joke of it, including himself, he is also thinking, follow-up Even if he hasn't taken care of many things that happened, he still knows them in his heart.

It's not like joking, and it's not like just say forget it with them, and it will be fine.

I still remember that at the very beginning, the difference was very far away.

But in the dark, there are too many things that need to be done.

At this moment, he began to believe that those people and those things had long been settled enough.

It can be finalized, but he still has a lot of things he doesn't understand, and he hasn't asked yet.

Thinking about it later, forget it, maybe it's not suitable for him to speak, after all, he doesn't know whether the things he thinks like that are true.

Some things, when you dare not say them, you can find them. Believing in this way is the best way.

People who don't understand will never understand very well, but if you give it to yourself, you will definitely have different choices.

I said that I would never believe it, but it seemed that I was thinking about how to get better every moment.

After all, from the original method, he has already found it.

When you talk to others about what happened, you can finally become more confident.

After getting rid of so many regrets in life, he can become better in the next time. It's not that he doesn't know this, but it seems that he will never be able to figure it out.

Even if there are some truths in it, it is clear to see clearly.

He just thought, if he didn't even know it, why bother to make some plans in advance.

I really thought that without her, there would be nothing.

Only those who are sober enough can say such things.

After all, he knows very well that at this moment, he doesn't ask too much.

In his memory, there will be no mistakes.

I am afraid that one of my deviations will affect the overall situation in the end.

This is not his heart.

During this meal, Xiao Muchen sat there by himself, did not listen to their gossip, but thought about many things related to Xi Nuan.

What she likes to eat, what she likes to watch.

He was thinking and felt that time was passing super fast.

As if they had just met, the two of them were very unfamiliar with each other.

He wouldn't have done that if he hadn't confirmed it.

Many times, the appearance given to people is true and they don’t care about anything, but it doesn’t seem like they don’t know anything and don’t think about anything.

The most important thing is that Xiao Muchen sitting there is a very beautiful demeanor in itself.

Others don't have any thought to pay attention to other things, let him do it, that's the case, no wonder it is said to be of high commercial value, and the co-authorship is all here.

(End of this chapter)

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