God please lie down

Chapter 1898 Indifference in the bones

Chapter 1898 Indifference in the bones
They are all people who have seen time and seen that there are so many changes in the future.

It is also impossible for him to be simply a person who is immersed in this place, but sometimes, you can't understand what he really wants.

Xiao Muchen is too mysterious, many people will think that after becoming friends with him, more often, they are more like a spectator.

Everyone seemed to be watching the fun, standing on the periphery.

And many things are unclear.

I can't imagine what kind of girlfriend a person like this will have in the future.

At that time, Gui Cheng was really worried about Xiao Muchen.

Later, after Xiao Muchen posted on Moments, Gui Cheng was completely stupid.

The brother who cared the most, just left the order without any warning, which is really good news.

It was just a little sudden, and it was his daily experience that he ate a mouthful of dog food unexpectedly before he had time to prepare.

Guicheng is very spiritual and talented when playing games.

But in life, it is really a tragic figure.

Eat dog food every day and watch others show affection.

Then you can miss the last bus, go out and walk, and you will be lost.

Thinking about it, I feel that my whole body is full of special happiness.

You know, there are very few people who are like this, and when they speak, they bring a sense of joy.

The last person has been chasing for a long time.

Right now, it is true that no one can make him see more.

Looking at it this way, it looks a lot better.

Most of the time, I don't think about anything.

At that time, Gui Cheng had studied Xiao Muchen's circle of friends for a long time, and finally confirmed a fact, which was true.

Xiao Muchen is in love, and he can feel it when he talks. He has never experienced that joy in other people.

Now I really understand what it means to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

Gui Cheng also threatened that if Xiao Muchen couldn't find the other half, the two of them would live together.

Gui Cheng coveted Xiao Muchen's cooking skills and wanted to eat, but he had no excuses.

After thinking for a long time, I found such a rather wronged statement.

Before he broke his leg, Xiao Muchen ruthlessly pushed his idea to the bud.

too difficult.

When I think about it, I feel that life has given him nothing but the talent to play games.

When a window is opened, another one must be closed for you.

This way it seems more real, Gui Cheng never imagined how it would feel to walk together as promised, and suddenly he was left alone.

But it doesn't matter now, anyway, whether he wants to or not, it has already become like this.

No matter how you look back, you will find that this matter was not decided so quickly, and that's because I didn't think too much about it.

Occasionally, there are many times when he is still thinking, if he comes to himself, what he can't find will be the future.

So, no one has ever been able to ask for anything extravagantly.

Xiao Muchen is naturally the same, as a person, he just needs to stick to his heart, he really didn't intend to throw everything to the end, so he decided to do it.

At any one time, he is the one who knows the most.

It is inevitable that they are all thinking that since they have come here, it is normal to want an explanation.

Xi Nuan is the person he has identified all his life, so he also wants to introduce it to his friends, so it is understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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