God please lie down

Chapter 1899 Can't Support Everything

Chapter 1899 Can't Support Everything

But if you really count it down, Xiao Muchen doesn't have many friends.

These few people who can leave their names all have his WeChat friends.

After posting a circle of friends, they all know what's going on.

And in the future life, Xiao Muchen has thoughts, and will take Xi Nuan to many places, whether it is to leave memories or make any decisions.

But in fact, on this issue, there is no difference.

I always think that in a lot of time, even if what I see is only a simple part, it is enough.

When Xiao Muchen was thinking about something, Jiuhen went downstairs and patted him on the shoulder, "Go out to eat at night, recommend a place."

Xiao Muchen turned around, "Why do you want to go out to eat?"

Jiu Hen laughed, "The boss is here, saying that we are all over the New Year, and the prize money for the championship has already been given to us, but it's a good thing to celebrate again. The new season will start soon, so let's eat a little bit more." , good as a coolie."

Jiu Hen shrugged his shoulders, although they said so, but each of them thought in their hearts that Xie Yuan really treated them well.

Everything that can be thought of for them has already been thought of.

To say that they have the current results, it must be inseparable from the support of their boss.

The boss doesn't come often, but every time he comes, he will take them out for dinner.

So I got used to it. After I got used to it, although I didn't think so much in my head, when I accepted it, I wouldn't be so coy.

"If he invites you to dinner, he must have chosen a good place. What are you worried about? It's over when you're ready to eat."

There is nothing to think about, maybe at the beginning, there was a lot of hesitation, but now, it's over when the stomach is ready.

Jiu Hen slapped his head, suddenly realizing it.

"I think what you said makes sense, why didn't I think of it."

"Then that's what I told them."

After Jiuhen finished speaking, he turned around and went upstairs, and after a while, he came down again.

"I just said, we really don't need to worry about food."

"They can do very well on their own. When it comes to eating, they are very positive."

"So what kind of team am I in? It's hard to overstate how lively I am."

The smile on Jiu Hen's face became wider, which was not there when he was playing games before.

They don't need to think too much, it's like, even if it happened, but before any preparations, it seems that it just passed by in such a moment.

No matter how many things there are, it is just a few simple words.

Occasionally, for a few moments, it seemed that he could only find some clues between his eyebrows and eyes.

Apart from these, there is really nothing else.

You must know that this group of people doesn't think so accurately about many things, but they just think that those years of fighting side by side are indeed the happiest time in their lives.

No worries, you can fight freely.

Don't be afraid of winning or losing. If you fail, just start over again.

I can't figure out why I made a lot of assumptions when I was thinking about things.

Now, nothing happened at all, and it seemed that they were worrying too much.

Generally speaking, everyone is still a very understanding person, but at this moment, suddenly, he became confused.

(End of this chapter)

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