God please lie down

Chapter 209 You wait for me, I will come

Chapter 209 You wait for me, I will come back

Xiao Muchen's life is always full of surprises.

Before meeting Xi Nuan, he had been through ups and downs, but at that time, he stood up with his own strength.

Under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic about, he not only reversed others' perception of him, but also occupied a place on this stage.

Later, even if he left, he felt that it didn't matter.

Even if it is to adjust his mentality, in the past two years, he has thought about many things, the result, and the process.

The only thing he never thought about was what it would be like when he came back.

Xiao Muchen's personality is that he doesn't panic when he is in chaos.

Before the critical moment, no one knew how powerful his power was.

Xiao Muchen was playing chicken while watching the barrage, the notebook was put aside and turned off.

Otherwise, maybe he can return to the barrage.

Later, after thinking about it, it was so late, he felt a little sorry that he hadn't seen fans for a long time in the live broadcast.

He didn't know when the last live broadcast was, but now he wants to find the feeling he had back then.

When Xiao Muchen was broadcasting live, it was one o'clock in the morning.

His work and rest schedule used to be like this. Today, because of the match against RW, he was thinking about a lot of things, so he couldn't sleep.

Otherwise, at twelve o'clock, he would definitely force himself to close his eyes and go to sleep.

Because Xi Nuan said that staying up late is not good.

This sentence, he deeply remembered in his heart, and put it into practice.

When there is nothing to do, the work and rest time is particularly regular.

When the broadcast ended at one o'clock, Xiao Muchen watched the barrage very calmly for a while.

Basically, they were all reluctant to let him download the broadcast. After waiting so late, they finally got him.

Even in the middle of the night, their enthusiasm did not fade.

As soon as this sentence came out, many people immediately marked it with plus one plus two plus three.

So that night, Muchen updated the news on Weibo, which had already planted grass.

Wait for me, I will be back.

With such a simple six words, the number of retweets exceeded [-] in an instant, and it was growing at an extremely rapid rate.

Xiao Muchen's popularity has always been high, which is unmatched by ordinary people.

He has only played for one season and has accumulated so many fans.I really don't know what will happen if he wins the championship.

Xiao Muchen put the phone aside and chose to go to sleep.

He knew it a long time ago, and he never regretted his decision.

With Xi Nuan's encouragement and friends' earnest gazes, he will feel that he is born to belong to this stage.

Only standing here can he feel his heart beating.

When he was a major in science and technology, Xiao Muchen's studies always seemed so simple.

Talented players are like this, they learn everything very quickly, much faster than others.

Before Xiao Muchen came to RW, he didn't consider contacting other teams.

Where to go, for him, there is not much so-called, but there is one sentence that is very important to him, he can put in more effort than others for his dream.

There is no general trend, and there is nothing that requires him to be busy.

Play the game quietly and enjoy the process quietly.

He believes that everything will have a result in the end.

When that time comes, what belongs to him will naturally be known.

(End of this chapter)

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