God please lie down

Chapter 210 Similarities with minor differences, big difference

Chapter 210 Similarities with minor differences, big difference

Xiao Muchen didn't dream at night, and when he woke up in the morning, it was already past nine o'clock.

Jiu Hen didn't know what to do, but he wasn't in the dormitory anyway.

Xiao Muchen sat up, stayed for a while, and then went to wash up.

The training match is in the afternoon, as for what to do in the morning, it is free to arrange.

Even if the boss is here, Xiao Muchen still acts a little bit his own way.

A person with his personality may not be able to change for a while.

Simply being in the RW team is not considered any shortcoming.

Because in the morning, everyone will be very confused.

Ling Xia and Yu Cheng are in that kind of semi-awake state, some things, to do or not to do, are all a matter of one sentence.


When Yu Cheng saw Xiao Muchen, he said hello first.
Then suddenly he squinted his eyes and looked at him for a while, and said, "If you have time, let's PK. I think it would be very interesting to have a one-on-one fight with you."

He didn't watch the pk between Guicheng and Xiao Muchen yesterday, but he still knows that hero very well.

To be exact, not a jungler.

It was the mid laner, but in this case, Xiao Muchen actually won.

So Yucheng has reason to believe that his hero pool is indeed deep, but he doesn't know how deep it is.

Rather than guessing, it is better to experience it for yourself.

"playing what."


Yu Cheng spit out a name very calmly, this hero, that is his destiny.

Ah Li is not only good-looking, but also looks good when he plays.

He likes it, very much.

"it is good."

Xiao Muchen just said one word, then signed up and built a room.

In 1 minute, two people enter the game.

When the game started, Yu Cheng suddenly thought of a question.

Gongsunli can also play wild, which is not good news for Yucheng.

Sure enough, Yu Cheng lost as expected.

Losing is particularly decent, not as scary as Ghost Town.

But he would not admit that the time Xiao Muchen died was because of jumping over the tower.

If this gets out, his ADC will really lose face.

"Still can't beat you."

"Although I knew it before, it's still uncomfortable."

"I didn't expect that you are really all-powerful."

Mu Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Not really, many heroes are not very good at it, but it just so happens that you picked me."

Yu Cheng is in decline now, he hadn't thought about this before.

But now, he suddenly thought of one thing, studying with Xiao Muchen, he must be able to learn something.

"So, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Pay attention to skills and positioning?"

Xiao Muchen hesitated to speak, but obviously, anyone who knows how to play will notice these.

This seems to be no skill, just practice more.

It doesn't matter if he talks too much.

"I know that, but I don't know why, it's just different from your Gongsunli."

Yu Cheng was also very puzzled, they obviously played the same hero, but Xiao Muchen played better than him.

Even if he didn't want to believe this result, but the result was already there, and he had no reason not to believe it.

"Well, practice more."

Xiao Muchen hesitated for a while, and uttered a sentence that was neither serious nor serious. The main reason was that he really didn't know where the problem was.

(End of this chapter)

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