God please lie down

Chapter 250 Go and have a look, that's good too

Chapter 250 Go back and have a look, that's good too

Xiao Muchen has been studying with this teacher since he entered school.

Taught him a lot of things, Xiao Muchen learned very quickly, within a year, he learned all the things he had learned, and even created a lot of things by inferring other cases from one instance.

The old professor had a special liking for him, and wherever he went, everyone would talk about him.

If you meet a professor in his 60s and wearing reading glasses on the campus of the University of Science and Technology, you will definitely hear Xiao Muchen's name as long as you talk to him for a few words.

"Then when you are free, go back and see him more often. It's rare to have such a good apprentice like you, and you even went to play e-sports."

"If the old professor finds out, he won't die of anger."

When Xi Nuan thought of Xiao Muchen's appearance, and saw his domineering head, he really felt that if it wasn't because of his dream, he would pry open his head to see what was inside.

"He knows."

"I went to him before I left and told him what I thought."

"Although he is old, he is very sensible and not very decadent."

"He was very supportive of my decision and said that even if one day I did something weird, he wouldn't think it was strange."

Xiao Muchen seemed to remember something, and smiled.

Since the day he went to college, it seems that he hasn't taken classes well.

Every semester, you can see people in the first half of the semester, but you can't see people in the second half.

It would be impossible for someone as free-wheeling as he to be able to survive in a place like the University of Science and Technology, where there are so many talents.

"No matter what, you should take some fruit to see."

No matter how Xi Nuan thought about it, he felt that Xiao Muchen still lived too much as he wanted.

You can't just get used to his personality and just go on like this, otherwise, maybe something will happen.

"Otherwise, I'll cook some food later, you go buy some fruit, let's go and have a look together."

"I think my teacher should be more interested in you."

The old professor doesn't play WeChat very much, but it doesn't mean he doesn't.

For such a long time, the only time I sent a message to Xiao Muchen was after his circle of friends.

What else to say, take it with you when you have time to have a look.

Xiao Muchen knew from that time that his teacher, in his heart, knew everything just like Ming Jing.

Xiao Muchen thought about it, and he decided to take Xi Nuan to meet his teacher.

"Okay, I'm going to buy some fruit."

"You have a nice haircut today."

After Xi Nuan finished speaking, he changed his clothes and went out. Xiao Muchen even took a look in the mirror, and there was not much change from usual.

Could it be that after Xi Nuan lived here for one night, even the way he looked at him changed?That's really a good sign.

At least from Xiao Muchen's point of view, there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Muchen stood at the same spot and thought about what dishes the teacher usually likes to eat, then searched the recipes on the Internet, and went to the refrigerator to find the ingredients, and there were really all of them.

I simply cooked all these dishes and put them in the insulated lunch box.

It just so happened that Xi Nuan also came back from buying some fruit, and after the two of them got dressed, Xiao Muchen went directly to drive.

Xi Nuan just likes that white car when he sees other people, and most of the time, he drives that one.

Occasionally, it will be changed, unless someone comes, or there is something else.

The University of Science and Technology is not very far from where Xiao Muchen lives, but because he has a lot of things in his hands, he chose to drive.

(End of this chapter)

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