God please lie down

Chapter 251 The uproar started because of him

Chapter 251 The uproar started because of him
After getting into the car, Xi Nuan was somewhat confused, she originally wanted Xiao Muchen to go and have a look, but in the end she was dragged into the car herself.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't understand what was going on.

"Is there anything you don't like about your teacher?"

"No, he is very talkative, likes to make friends, and he is holding his thick notebook to record some data."

It seemed that Xiao Muchen only thought about his teacher, he was always studying.

It really complied with the sentence, live to be old, learn old words.

Xiao Muchen still admires his teacher, after all, there are not many people who can keep their original intentions.

"That's fine, that's fine."

"You said you see the teacher, why did you bring me with you?"

Xi Nuan was surprised, these are some kind of hobbies, but she got into Xiao Muchen's car, it seems a bit late to jump down at this time.

"Our teacher is more curious and wants to see you."

"You're getting older, and you're more gossip than me."

In a few minutes, Xiao Muchen arrived at the school. It happened to be lunch time. Xiao Muchen had already called before he came. He should have not finished class at this time. When get out of class is over, he can just take him to the cafeteria for dinner.

Xiao Muchen found a parking space for the car, and since his car drove into the gate of the University of Science and Technology, the news has already spread.

Who is Xiao Muchen? He is a man of great science and technology.

He was admitted to the computer department at a young age, which is not an ordinary person.

What's more, his teacher is famous all over the country and he can praise him. He is definitely not a simple person.

Although Xiao Muchen seldom came to class for fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, but the No.1 in any computer competition would have Xiao Muchen's name written on it.

He just entered the school, and when he didn't have class, there were only a bunch of people watching.

Xiao Muchen was already used to this kind of scene, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Xi Nuan followed behind with the fruit in his hand, feeling as if he was being visited.

Xiao Muchen leaned over, protected Xi Nuan behind him, and found the teacher who was teaching the teacher with ease, looked at his watch and there were only a few minutes left, so he simply stood outside for a while.

As a result, after class, Professor Wen found that today's situation was different from usual. His class was quite boring, and normally he wouldn't leave so many people. However, when get out of class was over today, the door was crowded with people.

Abnormal, really abnormal.

But after thinking about it, he knew what was going on.

There is only one person who can cause an uproar in the Science and Technology University.

After Professor Wen figured it out, there was wind under his feet, and he immediately walked through the crowd to the door, and saw Xiao Muchen standing there as expected.

"I just said that if you hadn't come, there wouldn't be such a scene."

Xiao Muchen rubbed his nose and laughed, "Teacher, look at what you said, I just came to see you, I didn't call them here."

"As long as you kid can quibble, it's all aimed at you."

Xiao Muchen didn't answer this question, but raised the insulated lunch box in his hand, "I came from home, I made some dishes for you, try them?"

Professor Wen could smell the aroma through the lunch box, so he didn't care about the crowd of people around him, and said directly, "Let's go, go to my office."

Then he took a step, and saw the girl standing beside Xiao Muchen.

"This is your legendary girlfriend?"

When Professor Wen said this, there was a flash of tenderness on Xiao Muchen's face, and then he returned to nature, and nodded.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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