Chapter 278

Lin Wan originally wanted to persuade Xi Nuan, but was stupefied when she made such a move.

In the next second, there were quite a few boys around who were infected by the smile on Xi Nuan's face, and directly approached him wanting a WeChat account.

Xi Nuan replied directly with a smile, that the famous flower has already been taken care of.

As a result, the next day, on the campus forum, there were photos of Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen's backs.

Although it is a back view, the reputation of the goddess is there.

Even if it is a blurred back, people can tell at a glance that it is the school belle of their Han University.

In the photo, Xi Nuan looked up at the man beside her with a smile on his face, gentle and affectionate.

Anyone can see that the two of them are inseparable.

Although there are still a lot of people who are trying to get Xi Nuan's idea, but there are not many left.

When Lin Wan was tired from studying, she deliberately went to the school's forum to take a look, and suddenly felt that these two people might have the talent of models, and there were no dead ends for 360-degree photos.

This is not something that just anyone can do, especially handsome men and beautiful women like them.

It is seductive to look at, and it will give people a good impression.

I still remember when Gu Huai and Xi Nuan were exposed together before, the scolding of Gu Huai was really horrible.

Even Lin Wan felt that it was a bit too much, but what can be done.

At Seoul University, Xi Nuan is the treasure they hold in the palm of their hands. Even if they are not together, sometimes it is good to watch from a distance.

It is simply impossible to be as harmonious as it is now.

"No matter how you look at it now, it seems to be a good impression. You must know that when your relationship was exposed before, it was no different from entering the entertainment circle. It was really rumored and talked about."

Even people like them, who don't usually gossip, paid special attention to it. The scene was really huge.

"They can say whatever they want, anyway, they are my people, and they can't take them away."

When Xi Nuan said this, he looked confident without any hesitation.

She believed in Xiao Muchen, just like she believed in herself.

"My sister likes your confidence."

"But having said that, in this way, there may be fewer people who care about your WeChat ID."

"With a goddess like you in the dormitory, even we are treated favorably."

Lin Wan remembered that every time she went out, she always met people who came up to strike up a conversation, without exception, they wanted Xi Nuan's contact information.

These things, she is already familiar with.

From the time of enrollment, it has not stopped.

But there is one thing, when Xi Nuan and Gu Huai were together, they were so low-key that no one noticed.

There was still an uproar when the news came out, because almost no one knew that the two of them were already together.

When we broke up, there were no signs.

If it wasn't for the last time Gu Huai made a fuss downstairs in the women's dormitory, not many people would know his scumbag face.

Maybe this is the retribution of this world, and it will soon be on Gu Huai's body.

Gu Huai's reputation in Han University was already rotten, and he didn't have many friends. Although he was still staring at a face that he could look at, his popularity was gone.

Xi Nuan is not only the school belle of Han University, but also a good student in the eyes of the teachers.

As a result, Gu Huai did not leave a good impression on the teachers.

This circle is not big in the first place, and those who spread it to ten or ten will know everything.

 Second update, continue to ask for recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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