God please lie down

Chapter 279 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

Chapter 279 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

Lin Wan is very happy to eat this melon, and it is very enjoyable to watch the excitement.

Anyway, the more troubled Gu Huai was, the happier she was.

Who made him so straightforward when he abandoned Xi Nuan, and made many excuses justly.

Before breaking up, he cheated and got mixed up with other women. If the tiger doesn't show his power, he really treats others as a hello kitty.

I really thought that everyone was a fool, and didn't know the little things in his heart.

When Xi Nuan heard the name Gu Huai, he didn't react much.

Probably this name, in his heart, is no different from a stranger.

When I mentioned it, I was indifferent and would not comment.

Maybe this is the best way to break up, don't take you to heart at all, so that it won't hurt.

Lin Wan didn't know exactly when they got together, but when they broke up, she listened to Xi Nuan explain the ins and outs.

At that time, her heart was like ten thousand muddy horses galloping past. How could there be someone like him in this world.

It's boring if you don't know how to play games. Why didn't you think of this when you were chasing Xi Nuan.

"But your Xiao Dashen is really awesome. The girls in our school almost betrayed and went to the University of Science and Technology to ask for a number."

"That's a bunch of wolves, tigers and leopards. It's not a good sign to be targeted by them."

"But speaking of your family going out to play games, even if they go, they may not be able to get any benefits."

On this point, Xi Nuan didn't have any worries.

Even if he went to the University of Science and Technology, the only ones who could have Xiao Muchen's contact information were his roommates.

Although I have never seen it, I think they are all smart people.

Although Xiao Muchen didn't go back to the dormitory very often, he always helped them, so naturally he wouldn't beat them up at this time.

Wanting his contact information is more difficult than reaching the sky.

"If you want me to say, you really have a big heart."

"However, a heartless person like you is the most likable."

Lin Wan and Xi Nuan were chatting in the dormitory, about the prehistoric universe, about 5000 years.

Anyway, it's okay, just chat casually and be happy.

Recently, Xi Nuan has a lot of things in her heart because of the turning point in her life. Even if she sleeps with her so much, she may not be really happy when she sees her.

Lin Wan, who knows Xi Nuan so well, feels that she is a little tired recently.

In the past, Xi Nuan lived like a pistachio.

I will not be tired by these things at all, let alone think about such distant things.

After all, it is different after falling in love, there will be troubles, and I will start to think about the big things in my life.

It is considered a good thing, there will be occasional troubles during adolescence, but after this stage, it will be much better.

Lin Wan grew up earlier than Xi Nuan because of family reasons.

She is more like a big sister, guarding Xi Nuan's side.

When you are unhappy, you will go crazy with her. When you are happy, listen to her talk about what happened today.

Because of Xi Nuan, Lin Wan doesn't feel so lonely all the time.

There's nothing wrong with having someone by your side.

At least her ideas will not just be appreciated by herself alone.

"Yes, so Wanwan, you must always like me."

"You know, I don't have many friends, but you're the best one."

Xi Nuan was telling the truth. She was used to being alone in the past, and it was true that she didn't have many friends.

Later, when I went to university, it was still a long distance away.

In this way, she is really the only one left in Seoul.

 Third watch, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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