God please lie down

Chapter 966 His World, Ruled By Himself

Chapter 966 His World, Ruled By Himself

Faced with such an attack, few teams seem to be able to resist it.

Because you can't figure out their style of play. Before this game, I have watched many TW games. I know that their style of play has always been very aggressive, but I didn't expect that with such a weak jungler, It's even possible to control the rhythm very well.

It is true that I did not think of these, after all, from the very beginning, no one has understood these.

At that time, I was not sure whether it would bring any better results.

But obviously, the answer now is not the same as what I thought.

They all realized that in the current version, there has never been anything strong or not strong, all that is, is who the jungler is.

If you look at it this way, it doesn't matter.

Speaking of which, even if there is something to say between the two of them, they still have to say it.

Between the two of them, even if it is true, there is no need to think it through.

Xiao Muchen knew about this problem from the very beginning. The so-called surprise must have been doomed from the very beginning.

He wants to do this because he is convinced that in many cases, being unpredictable is the key.

Perhaps the Free team never thought that he would have such a move at all, and He Ji also gave him full trust, otherwise, Xiao Muchen would definitely not be so comfortable.

The mutual trust among the players allowed him to display his strength well.

That's right, Xiao Muchen was once the king of the jungle.

And he is the kind of person who lives in legends. Even if he retires, people will still talk about the game where he became famous in the first battle.

Few people know exactly how he did it, even if they analyzed it, it seems that the analysis is not very clear.

So in the eyes of others, Xiao Muchen was unexpected in many situations where the explanations were not clear.

His choices have always been different from those of normal people.

He never knew what his choice was.

He just has his own goal, and he knows it from the bottom of his heart, all the things, until the end, he finds out that whether it was back then or now, he doesn't know when he can do the rest.

All the reasons, at this moment, are not very clear.

He didn't want to understand, and he didn't really want to explain it.

Most of the time, even if it really happened to him, he has no reason to solve it.

There is nothing to understand, and nothing to care about.

At this moment, you will know what your own life is.

"Brother Chen, sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy."

"Your choice, I guess the other side has already begun to get confused."

"I think so, even if you don't play wild, it's definitely no problem to come over and switch to C position."

Fortunately, this is a game for five people, otherwise, it feels like Xiao Muchen can do it all by himself.

Xiao Muchen is very powerful, his ability is much higher than others.

There is nothing he can't do, it's just divided into signs and non-signatures.

If Xiao Muchen took out his signature hero, there would be many changes in the arena.

Therefore, the heroes who should be banned must never be released.

(End of this chapter)

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