God please lie down

Chapter 967 Try hard to find, don't do what he wants

Chapter 967 Try hard to find, don't do what he wants

Maybe there are many people who cannot be counted.

And later, when they met Xiao Muchen's matter, they felt that no matter in the past or now, they still knew that no matter how many things happened, they were all in the past.

No matter how many things he encounters, this is the case.

It's something that I never thought about, and I don't have to worry about anything.

Maybe the answer was already said a long time ago.

But at that time, they didn't realize what this choice would bring to them.

When Xie Yuan went to look for Xiao Muchen, he said that they were for their dreams.

Dreams will never be terminated, and they also know that no matter how many things they encounter, it doesn't matter.

He had seen all the beautiful appearances, but later, he realized that even if he really waited, it would be the best.

Xiao Muchen is such a person, even if he thinks about it, he doesn't need to think about it.

A person like him is the best no matter if he is a live broadcaster or a player.

Speaking of it, he really didn't think about it.

But at this moment, what Xiao Muchen thought in his heart was to lead these players, once again, to challenge for the championship.

Speaking of which, this is a high belief.

Becoming a professional player is what they all want to see.

That championship trophy is actually very heavy.

They also don't know when it will end.

But at this moment, I will think about it, and then I will understand that this is my choice.

I don't care how many things will happen in the future, but I just want to let myself understand that there are so many reasons in the past that I haven't thought about.

Speaking of which, he had already thought about it a long time ago, so even if he did it, he would have to wait for an answer.

It is the best thing to experience such a process in life.

And more is the choice of others.

But at that time, there was no reason.

No matter how many relationships there are, as long as you don't care about it, you don't need to have any doubts.

"Not at all. Without the cooperation between you, it would be impossible to win the game so quickly."

Before that, I hadn't thought about it at all. The reason why so many things happened was that I felt that it was really good to be serious.

He had thought about it, it turned out that these things, no matter in the past or in the end, there was nothing too much later.

"Brother Chen said this. Since you came, the atmosphere in the team has obviously improved a lot. They didn't talk much before. I feel like they are all dumb."

When Yu Cheng said this, there was a smile on his whole face, and it was obvious that he was very happy.

It is true that since Xiao Muchen came here, everything in the entire team has something to do with him.

Xiao Muchen did it too. Since he came, the level of the entire team has improved.

More and more, I have a lot of understanding of the past.

No matter how many things he encounters, it will not erase the persistence in his heart.

But at this moment, he will know that Yunlai has already passed through that past.

He was never sure that he would be able to stay until the end, but before you think about it, you will not be sure, this is the best way.

Xiao Muchen is also looking for it, but now, it seems that he has tried.

(End of this chapter)

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