God please lie down

Chapter 968 The momentum is like a broken bamboo, go to one city first

Chapter 968

But any competition with Xiao Muchen is usually more interesting.

Because it is more thrilling, his rhythm is of a very good kind.

It is often the rhythm belt that flies up, and then can quickly end the game.

It feels like the coach of the Free team, who has prepared several big moves, but when facing TW's style of play, he finds that there is no room for use.

Especially when you meet a player like Xiao Muchen, they really don't give you a chance.

Just catch you online, and don't give you too many opportunities to wander.

In this way, even if there is any ability, it will not be able to use it.

In terms of bp, He Ji's bp is not too bad. In this way, he didn't have much advantage in bp, and he didn't open up the lane.

It's a long way to go.

The next game hasn't started yet, but the coach of the Free team should still adjust his strategy.

Some methods are not suitable for the two teams.

Because the two teams have their own characteristics, how should I put it, one is a bit more conservative, but the TW team is also a team that has created a precedent in its style of play. Many times, it cannot be reasonable. It is also impossible to guess them with the regular lineup.

So at this point, the TW team has an advantage.

They also played a lot of games in the regular season, but in terms of research, few teams have been able to thoroughly study their style of play.

It is impossible to say that it has been thoroughly studied.

He Ji's routine, it really has everything.

When he is free, he will go to the passerby to play games. They say that the masters are among the people, so that should be the case.

He Ji can discover a lot of new ideas from it, and will actually apply it.

He is a person who is learning and selling now, and it is easy to be uninspired if he only relies on his own words.

He just happens to be someone who doesn't want to be that kind of guy, and is good at discovering new ways of playing and actually using them well.

Because the execution ability of the players is very strong, it will not cause him much trouble.

So this is the beginning, and many people feel that this team is more difficult to study.

It's not that you haven't put your mind to it, but after you've put your mind to it, you realize that these things are not something you can just think through.

If He Ji had been guessed so easily, there wouldn't be the current TW team.

Speaking of which, it's not useless at all.

It's just that when you think about it, it's inevitable that people will feel that many things, before you think of the answer, you don't know what will happen.

Anyway, it gives you a feeling that no matter how many changes have taken place, you can still sit here without thinking about anything.

There is always someone by your side who will help you do it all.

At that time, you just need to put all your thoughts in your heart, but don't feel that you have no chance at all.

It's like a lot of times, it can't be reasonable, because it doesn't make sense.

So you don't have to think about what changes will happen in the future.

Only by doing a good job of yourself in front of you can you be full of expectations for the future.

Only when your confidence has not been destroyed, you will feel that everything is very good.

They are also like this, they have fantasies about all people, or all things, and only then can they know that they can do it themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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