Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 90 Daughter-in-law, should we also go to the maternity check-up

Chapter 90 Daughter-in-law, should we also go to the maternity check-up
Xiao Minghong was startled, and hurried over to set up Yunxiang.

Chu Yan glanced at Yun Xiang worriedly, and then looked around at the brothers around him. Li Wei was sitting in the corner, and Chu Yan knew that Li Wei's mood was no less than that of Yun Xiang.

Xiao Minghong nodded towards Chu Yan, just like when he saved her back then.

Chu Yan was startled, as if she had a center of gravity in her heart, she also nodded to Xiao Minghong.

Ever since he decided to become the head of the Tianlonghui back then, he has resisted everything, and it is the same now.

Xiao Minghong left with Yun Xiang.

Xiao Minghong also had a hard time in his heart, he was more guilty, regretful towards Zhu Yin, and hated towards himself.

Chu Yan is her own daughter-in-law, yet she wants someone else to sacrifice for it. Xiao Minghong knew that Chu Yan's heart was bleeding. She was a brother she was proud of and could rely on, a relative, and even a friend who shared weal and woe.

In the past, Xiao Minghong felt that Chu Yan had paid too much for the Tianlonghui and the members of the Tianlonghui, so he could not be ranked, but looking at it now, what qualifications do he have to ask for it?

After dealing with Zhu Yin's first seven, Chu Yan stopped. If Yan Tianfei hadn't said that if this continues, the child might be lost, Chu Yan probably wouldn't have stopped.

For Chu Yan, Yan Tianfei did his best. Whether this child can stay or not depends on his luck.

Chu Yan suddenly became aware of a problem and asked, "Brother Yan, this child may be deformed, will it affect other aspects? For example, intelligence."

Yan Tianfei was taken aback, he didn't expect Chu Yan to ask this question.

Yan Tianfei pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Boss, I'm not sure about this, the boss's child should be very smart.

Chu Yan understood that Yan Tianfei was just comforting herself.

"Hehe, I hope." Chu Yan suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "Brother Yan, you said that you are not young anymore, when will you bring it back for the brothers to see?"

Yan Tianfei frowned, and then smiled again: "Lao Bai is a few years older than me, and I haven't seen the boss to remind me, which is too partial!"

Chu Yan also laughed, it's not my fault that Chu Yan talked too much, during this time, Yan Tianfei slipped away whenever she had time, it's not my fault that she didn't think too much, probably the people below were also muttering.

"That's right, you guys are well-known golden bachelors, and the girls below are all watching!"

Yan Tianfei was stunned, always felt that there was something in Chu Yan's words, and looked at the time, it seemed that it was getting late, to prevent the boss from selling them out, Yan Tianfei felt that it was better to go first.

"Boss, Brother Xiao is coming soon, so I'd better withdraw first!"

Chu Yan wanted to make some more jokes, but she didn't want to turn her head when Xiao Minghong really came.

Strange, how did Xiao Minghong come so early today?
Looking at the posture, the affairs of the military department seem to be settled.

Seeing that Yan Tianfei was going out, Xiao Minghong directly closed the door and locked it.

"You came back early enough." Chu Yan smiled and continued. "Is the matter with the military department settled?"

Xiao Minghong nodded, came over to hug Chu Yan and sat down.

"Don't work too hard." Xiao Minghong was also hesitating, but he didn't want Chu Yan to worry about these things.

Something has happened in the northern frontiers.

Now that Xiao Ru controls the military department, he is likely to become the top leader of the military department, and Yun Haifeng can't be distracted because the family business has no one to take care of him.

But Xiao Ru is smart, but if she is too smart, she is a bit headstrong and conceited.

Besides, this person is Xiao Minghong's second uncle.

The secret report brought by Dahui is true, but Xiao Ru doesn't have much combat experience in the North District, just in case...

The reason why the North District made a comeback is probably because watching him leave the military headquarters, country Z lost two founding generals.

Xiao Minghong clenched his fists, fearing that Chu Yan would discover something, and then let go.

He agreed to stay with her well, and he didn't want what happened to Zhu Yin to happen to Chu Yan again.

For this reason, Xiao Minghong can't leave either, maybe he can also avoid meeting with his second uncle.

Chu Yan smiled, and continued: "Don't worry, I'm fine, he kicked me!"

Xiao Minghong was taken aback, never thought that Chu Yan would smile so tenderly, perhaps it was the joy of being a mother.

Xiao Minghong lowered his head and looked at Chu Yan's stomach.

"Really, let me listen!" As he said, Xiao Minghong bent down, but he didn't want to put his face on Chu Yan's stomach just now, Xiao Minghong felt his face was slapped.

Immediately, Xiao Minghong's face darkened, this little bastard, even before he was born, knew to be against Lao Tzu and owed a lesson.

Chu Yan laughed immediately, pulled Xiao Minghong away, and said, "Bastard, what are you talking about with a child!"

Xiao Minghong frowned, suddenly felt that this child was born, okay?

Originally, I had no status, but now...

Seeing Xiao Minghong's face pulled down, Chu Yan stopped teasing him, and immediately went to kiss Xiao Minghong's cheek.

"Okay, stop making trouble, I haven't eaten yet!"

Chu Yan licked her lower lip. She had been vomiting during pregnancy and hadn't eaten a serious meal for a long time.

Kissed by Chu Yan, Xiao Minghong's face was sweet, and he wanted to continue to ask for kisses, but he looked at Chu Yan again, he really lost weight recently, his belly protruded, and he looked like a pregnant woman, but the rest of the body was not fleshy at all. Not long.

Xiao Minghong ordered some meat, and said, "Sure, I'll make your favorite fish-flavored shredded pork!"

As he said that, Uncle Xiao hurriedly ran to cook.

After Xiao Minghong left, Chu Yan's smiling eyes darkened.

She was not ignorant of Xiao Minghong's forbearance just now.

Not long after Zhu Yin's incident, he must be thinking about himself.

Thinking about it, Teething felt a little moved in his heart, but if he didn't go, how long would he be able to maintain peace, at least Xiao Ru didn't know if he could get through it.

I thought that Xiao Ru would be restrained after getting some stocks, but I didn't want him to ask for more.

Although he is also from the Xiao family.

Chu Yan seemed to have an idea.

After eating, the two went to bed warmly.

Chu Yan's health has not been very good recently, Uncle Xiao didn't dare to think about it, so he could only wronged Xiao Xiao, and hugged Chu Yan in his arms, feeling that his daughter-in-law was very comfortable in his arms.

Chu Yan couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and when she turned her head, she didn't realize that Xiao Minghong wasn't asleep either, and both of them sat up, trying to forget a glance.

"I'm used to sleeping in Xiao's big bed, but I find my own is very uncomfortable."

When Xiao Minghong heard this, he smiled and said, "In that case, let's go back."

Chu Yan nodded and replied, "Well, let's go!"

Xiao Minghong was dumbfounded, he had to figure it out anyway, it was a big night, but what Chu Yan said made Xiao Minghong feel joy in his heart.

Now that the daughter-in-law had spoken, Uncle Xiao bravely absconded with his daughter-in-law.

The next day, there were two more couples in the Xiao family mansion, but Emperor Tianyan almost thought it was haunted.

Lao Bai checked the trail and left after confirming that the boss did it voluntarily.

Yun Qing went out early in the morning. Ever since they found out that Chu Yan was pregnant again, Yun Qing and Shui Yixin didn't come to see her in time. In addition, Tianlong had something to deal with, so they were delayed.

But he didn't want to, Yun Qing and Shui Yixin agreed to go and have a look at it at dawn, no matter where they are raised, don't worry if they don't look.

Shui Yixin is someone who has experienced it, and knows the hard work of having a woman.

But he didn't want to prepare his things. Just as he was about to set off, people came upstairs and downstairs.

Yun Qing took a closer look: "Sister-in-law!"

Xiao Minghong was helping Chu Yan down, Yun Qing was stunned, when did the sister-in-law come back.

This time, Shui Yixin regarded both Yun Qing and Chu Yan as treasures, and willingly waited on them.

"When did this come back? The boss didn't say anything. Yun Qing and I plan to go and have a look."

Chu Yan was startled, then smiled, and suddenly felt that this mother-in-law was really stingy, so she couldn't help smiling.

"Last night, I came back late, so I didn't tell you." Xiao Minghong explained, and Xiao Mingyu also came out of the bedroom.

Seeing his elder brother's appearance like a turtle, he smiled, but just as he got down, Yun Qing called him over.

"Come down, you have to accompany me to the maternity checkup today!"

When Xiao Mingda heard this, he ran down hurriedly, looking like a grandson again.

Shui Yixin smiled, feeling that the family was happy and there was nothing dissatisfied.

It's been a long time since we had a reunion dinner together, Shui Yixin said: "Don't go anywhere today, come back for dinner tonight, I'll prepare something and wait for you."

Everyone nodded, and Xiao Mingda took Yunqing out.

Xiao Minghong looked at the distant figure of his second brother, and said, "Daughter-in-law, should we also go for the birth checkup?"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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