Chapter 91 Wait for me to come back
"You've forgotten what brother Yan does. With him watching, why are you worried?" Chu Yan said softly, but it made Xiao Minghong feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Xiao Minghong nodded. "That's right, I can rest assured of Brother Yan's medical skills."

Chu Yan was thinking about something else, but Xiao Minghong received a call.

When Xiao Minghong saw it, his expression changed.

After looking at Chu Yan and Shui Yixin, she went out to answer the phone.

Shui Yixin knew that Xiao Minghong was busy with business, and his eyes were mostly relieved, but he was going to wrong Chu Yan.

"Xiaoyan, the boss, this kid, hides everything in his heart. I'm afraid that a mother like me won't be able to get into his heart. I will have to work hard on you in the future."

Shui Yixin was telling the truth.

Chu Yan felt stuck in her heart, was she being too selfish?
The incident in the border area last time, Chu Yan is still worried, if there is really a need there, will Xiao Minghong be allowed to go?

Xiao Minghong cared about herself, she knew that she was the same, and she didn't want Xiao Minghong to take risks for this.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt a stabbing pain in her shoulder. It was the gunshot wound she left in the border area last time.

"Mom, don't worry, Chu Yan understands."

Chu Yan didn't have much to do, she had nothing to do at the moment, but she was tired from tossing around last night, so she thought about telling Shui Yixin and went upstairs.

When Xiao Minghong came back, only Shui Yixin was in the living room.

"Mom, where's Xiaoyan?"

"Do you still remember that you have a mother, she went back to the house to rest."

Xiao Minghong nodded, Fang wanted to go upstairs, but was stopped by Shui Yixin.


"What's wrong mom?"

"Chu Yan is healthy now, you have to be careful, we don't plan anything, just take care of the safety of the family."

Xiao Minghong was startled, nodded, and went upstairs.

Yes, it's good to take care of the safety of his family, but now someone doesn't want him to be safe, and that person is also his family.

It's hard for Xiao Minghong to speak now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

When Xiao Minghong came up, Chu Yan fell asleep, and after tossing and tossing all night, Chu Yan was sleeping very deeply at this moment.

Xiao Minghong kissed Chu Yan's forehead, and went to the study without disturbing her.

Xiao Minghong lit a cigarette and smoked, the smoke was lingering, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly.

After Zhu Yin left, Xiao Minghong got down to Yunxiang and went to Li Weina. He wanted to comfort him, after all, the heavy rain that day made Xiao Minghong quite sad.

But he didn't want Li Wei to say to himself: "Brother Xiao, treat the boss well, don't make me like Yunxiang."

Only then did I realize that when you want to be nice to someone, you find that there is nothing you can do.

"If you feel sorry for the boss, I, Li Wei, will be the first to spare you."

Xiao Minghong nodded, and continued: "My wife is naturally good to her."

Li Wei shook his head, Xiao Minghong felt something was wrong.

"Is there something you are hiding from me?" Xiao Minghong asked.

Li Wei thought about it, but still didn't say anything, but told about the North District.

Xiao Minghong fell silent after listening.

What kind of person Chu Yan is, how can he not know?

He actually knelt down to a bastard like Lu Li and Wang Cheng!

Thinking about it, Xiao Minghong's heart also ached.

No wonder Li Wei said that, Xiao Minghong lit another cigarette, and suddenly remembered that Chu Yan was going to Houston, Zhu Yin went because of that, what happened there?
Chu Yan didn't tell herself at all, although she guessed about it.

A little powerless, but I don't even have the ability to protect my own woman.

Watching Chu Yan and living his own life, Xiao Minghong also wanted to, but now some people don't want to live in peace.If it really came to that point, where would there be any peaceful days?

It was already noon when Chu Yan woke up, and Xiao Minghong was not in the room. Fang remembered that he answered the phone before, probably he went to the military headquarters.

Chu Yan looked at the quilt on her body, it seemed that he came back and covered himself with a quilt.

Chu Yan's heart warmed up, and she didn't stay in bed anymore.

Just after leaving the bedroom door, I looked up at the study in front. The door of the study was closed, and it seemed that someone was there.

Chu Yan was startled, he didn't go out?
Sure enough, when Chu Yan opened the door, a smell of smoke came from the door, making Chu Yan cough.

Chu Yan kicked the door open, Xiao Minghong was so frightened that he quickly choked out his cigarette.

"Come out for my old lady!" Chu Yan shouted immediately.

Seeing that Chu Yan was angry, Xiao Minghong hurried out too.

Xiao Minghong didn't sleep well last night, and now the scum on his face has grown again.

"young married woman……"

Chu Yan looked like he hated iron for being weak, and immediately said: "From tomorrow on, don't go home, you won't be famous in the military department, don't say you are the man in charge of my Tianlonghui!"

Xiao Minghong was startled, looked at Chu Yan with some surprise, and sat on the sofa with some breathlessness.

"I'm not going!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan lifted Xiao Minghong's ear and said, "Are you planning to piss me off?"

Chu Yan frowned, when did this guy become so useless?

"I did not mean that!"

"Then what do you mean?" Chu Yan put down Xiao Minghong's ears, and continued: "Frankly speaking, I know why you are worried, Xiao Ru, you just let go and do it."

Xiao Minghong was startled when he heard that, Chu Yan knew it!

"Daughter-in-law, I..."

Xiao Minghong didn't know what to say, how to say that Xiao Ru is also from the Xiao family, and he is his second uncle, it is difficult for Xiao Minghong to make a decision.

"Xiao Ru teamed up with the Political Department. It's not something you can let go if you want. I don't hope that there will be so many unfavorable factors in the birth of our child in the future."

Xiao Minghong's face darkened, he lost a bit of anger, and looked a little scary.

"Well, I see, it's just..."

During this period of time, I will wrong you.

Chu Yan looked at Xiao Minghong's compassionate look, and immediately wanted to delete it.

"You know, hurry up and get out!"

Chu Yan looked annoyed, and felt that she had become much more tempered recently.

Xiao Minghong still wanted to say something, but suddenly felt that it was useless to say anything.

If he can continue to be by Chu Yan's side, then he can only work hard to become stronger and become her reliance.

Suddenly thinking of the original promise to Chu Yan, Xiao Minghong understood, and then said: "Wait for me to come back."

Xiao Minghong left, and more than three months have passed since he left.

The battle report from the North District was sent to Chu Yan every day, and sometimes he was extremely frightened when he heard the news about Xiao Minghong.

Uncle Xiao officially started a war with his second uncle Xiao Ru for the position of the general staff. Because of Xiao Ru's support in the Political Department, the two sides also had a quarrel.

Yun Haifeng had no choice but to leave it to Yun Xiang to take care of him, and came back to the military headquarters on purpose.

Xiao Minghong won the position of the general staff because of his outstanding military exploits in the border area. This guy is also up to the mark, and even joined the peacekeeping force of the United Nations. Eagles are proud.

Chu Yan was pregnant for more than eight months, with a big belly and Yun Qing basking in the sun at Xiao's mansion.

Tianlong Group has been fine recently, and Chu Yan's small life is leisurely.

The two of them originally decided to go to the maternity checkup today, but unexpectedly, the Xiao family mansion ushered in an unexpected visitor.

This was the first time Chu Yan saw Xiao Ru in three months.

Ever since the conflict with Xiao Minghong started, Xiao Ru never entered Xiao's house again, and the two families were already in dire straits.

Chu Yan looked at Xiao Ru with some precautions, what is he doing here?
"Hey, this is not the second uncle, why don't you go home and have a look!"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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